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Preventing Breast Cancer
Abelson 1994.
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(editorial), Science Vol.265: 1507. September 9, 1994.
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American College of Radiology Committee on Manpower, American
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Clinicians Vol.32, No.4: 226-230. July/August 1982.
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A. Lanham Allen + Robert J. Reeves, "Thyroiditis, Concepts of
Management," West Virginia Medical Journal
Vol.47: 258-269. 1951.
American Cancer Society.
Each year, cancer statistics are provided in the January / February
issue of the ACS publication, CA-A Cancer Journal For
Clinicians. (American Cancer Society, National Headquarters,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA.)
Ames 1989.
Bruce N. Ames, "Endogenous DNA Damage as Related to Cancer and
Ageing," Mutation Research Vol.214: 41-46. 1989.
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Lancet 1: 430-433, February 21, 1981. Also "A Note on Radium
Body Content and Breast Cancers in U.K. Radium Luminisers, Health
Physics Vol.44, No. 1 Suppl.: 575-577, 1983. Also "The
U.K. Radium Luminizer Survey," British J. Of Radiology
Supplemental BIR Report 21, pp.71-76. BIR = Brit. Inst. of
Radiology. 1987.
Baverstock 1991.
Keith Baverstock, letter to editor, "Comments on Commentary by
D. Billen," Radiation Research Vol.126: 383-384. 1991.
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John F. Bayley, Jr., "Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy," a chapter
(pages 918-921) in Ambulatory Pediatrics. Edited by Morris
Green and Robert J. Haggerty, 970 pages. (W.B. Saunders Company,
Philadelphia, PA.) 1968.
BEIR Report 1972. (BEIR-1).
Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations (Cyril
Comar, Chairman), The Effects On Populations Of Exposure TO Low
Levels Of Ionizing Radiation. 217 pages. No index. (A report
sponsored by the U.S. government by contract with the National
Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.) 1972.
BEIR Report 1990. (BEIR-5).
Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations (Arthur
Upton, Chairman). Health Effects Of Exposure TO Low Levels Of
Ionizing Radiation. 421 pages. ISBN 0-309-03995-9. (A report
sponsored by the U.S. government by contract with the National
Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.) 1990.
Benson 1989.
Allen B. Benson, Radioactive Fallout: Hanford's Radioactive
Iodine-131 Releases. 129 pages. ISBN 0-935435-04-2. (High
Impact Press, Spokane, WA., USA.) 1989.
Berman 1957.
Robert Berman + Benjamin P. Sonnenblick, "Intravaginal Measurement
of Radiation Dose Incident to X-Ray Pelvimetry and
Hysterosalpingography," American Journal Of Obstetrics And
Gynecology Vol.74, No.1: 1-12. July 1957.
Bhatnagar 1981.
Jagdish P. Bhatnagar + Robert O. Gorson + Jack S. Krohmer, "X-Ray
Doses to Patients Undergoing Full-Spine Radiographic Examination,"
Radiology Vol.138: 231-233. 1981.
Billen 1990.
Daniel Billen, "Spontaneous DNA Damage and Its Significance for
the `Negligible Dose' Controversy in Radiation Protection,"
(commentary), Radiation Research
Vol.124: 242-245. 1990. See also Baverstock
1991, Ward 1991, and Billen 1991.
Billen 1991.
Daniel Billen, "Response to Comments of K.F. Baverstock and
J.F. Ward," (letter), Radiation Research
Vol.126: 388-389. 1991.
Bishop 1922.
Louis Faugeres Bishop, "Fluoroscope in the Diagnosis of Diseases of
the Heart," Medical Record Vol.101, No.12: 489-491. March
25, 1922.
Blatz 1970.
Hanson W. Blatz, "Regulatory Changes for Effective Programs," in
Second Annual National Conference On Radiation Control,
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare Report
BRH/ORO 70-5. 1970. See Shapiro 1990,
at page 421.
Boice 1977. #
John D. Boice, Jr. + Richard R. Monson, "Breast Cancer in Women
after Repeated Fluoroscopic Examinations of the Chest," Journal Of
The National Cancer Institute Vol.59: 823-832. 1977.
Boice 1978. #
John D. Boice, Jr. + Marvin Rosenstein + E. Dale Trout, "Estimation
of Breast Doses and Breast Cancer Risk Associated with Repeated
Fluoroscopic Chest Examinations of Women with Tuberculosis,"
Radiation Research Vol.73: 373-390. 1978.
Boice 1979. #
John D. Boice, Jr. + Charles E. Land + R.E. Shore + J.E. Norman + M.
Tokunaga, "Risk of Breast Cancer Following Low-Dose Radiation
Exposure," Radiology Vol.131: 589-597. 1979.
Boice 1981. #
John D. Boice, Jr. + Richard R. Monson + Marvin Rosenstein, "Cancer
Mortality in Women after Repeated Fluoroscopic Examinations of the
Chest," Journal Of The National Cancer Institute
Vol.66: 863-867. 1981.
Boice 1991. #
John D. Boice, Jr. + Dale Preston + Faith G. Davis + Richard
R. Monson, "Frequent Chest X-Ray Fluoroscopy and Breast Cancer
Incidence among Tuberculosis Patients in Massachusetts,"
Radiation Research Vol.125: 214-222. 1991.
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John D. Boice, Jr., and others, in the correspondence section,
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Vol. 326: 1357-1361. May 14, 1992.
Bond 1978.
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and Q for X-Ray Compared to Gamma Radiations," Health Physics
Vol.34: 433-438. May 1978.
Bowditch 1924.
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Bradley 1984.
David J. Bradley, No Place To Hide. 217 pages. ISBN
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Hampshire.) 1946 and 1984.
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Carl B. Braestrup, "X-Ray Protection in Diagnostic Radiology,"
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Braestrup 1969.
Carl B. Braestrup, Past And Present Status Of Radiation Protection.
A Comparison. Report, Seminar Paper 005. (U.S. Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare, Consumer Protection and
Environmental Control Administration, Washington, DC). 1969. See
Shapiro 1990, at page 379.
Bromley 1955.
J.F. Bromley + W.H. Bond + G.M. Holme, "Radiotherapy in Some
Non-Malignant Conditions," pp. 474-493 in Practice In
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No.6: 645-650. 1927.
Bureau 1978.
Bureau of Radiological Health (now Center for Devices and
Radiological Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration),
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Burlington 1994.
D. Bruce Burlington, "FDA Public Health Advisory: Avoidance of
Serious X-Ray-Induced Skin Injuries to Patients During
Fluoroscopically-Guided Procedures," advisory signed by Dr. D. Bruce
Burlington, Director, Center for Devices and Radiological Health. 3
pages. September 30, 1994.
Buschke 1942.
Franz Buschke + Herbert M. Parker, "Possible Hazards of Repeated
Fluoroscopies in Infants," Journal Of Pediatrics
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Carpender 1956.
J.W.J. Carpender + Erwin Levin + Charles B. Clayman + Roscoe
E. Miller, "Radiation in the Therapy of Peptic Ulcer," American
Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.75: 374-379. 1956.
Carr 1945.
Jesse L. Carr, "Status Thymolymphaticus," An "Original
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Case 1942.
James Thomas Case, "Roentgenology: Diagnostic and Therapeutic
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American Authors (known as "Christopher's Surgery"), Third Edition,
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Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.) 1942.
Case 1955.
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Bulletin Of Cancer Progress Vol.5, No.1: 11-13. January 1955.
Caufield 1989.
Catherine Caufield, Multiple ExposureS. 304 pages.
ISBN 0-06-015900. (Harper and Row, New York). 1989.
Chadwick 1933.
Henry D. Chadwick, "The Tuberculosis Problem in Detroit," American
Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.30, No.3: 321-327.
September 1933.
Chapple 1950.
Charles L. Chapple, "Scoliosis," in the Orthopedics Pediatrics
Chapter of the 1950 (Fifth) Edition of Mitchell-Nelson Textbook Of
Pediatrics. 1658 pages. (W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania.) 1950.
Christopher 1942.
Frederick Christopher, editor of A Textbook Of Surgery By American
Authors (known as "Christopher's Surgery"), Third Edition. 1764
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Clarke 1924.
T. Wood Clarke, "The Value of Gastro-Intestinal X-Rays in the
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M. Cohen, "Quality Assurance as an Optimising Procedure in Diagnostic
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Eugene A. Conti + George D. Patton, "Studies of the Thymus in
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Cox 1995.
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Joseph P. Crowe, Jr., quoted in "After Mammography, Simple Test May
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Richard M. Dawood + Christine M. Hall, "Too Much Radiation for Too
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Therapy Vol.49, No.5: 653-661. 1943.
Desjardins 1931.
Arthur U. Desjardins, "Radiotherapy for Inflammatory Conditions,"
Journal Of The American Medical Association Vol.96,
No.6: 401-408. February 7, 1931.
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Arthur U. Desjardins, Section 1 of "Action of Roentgen Rays
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Desjardins 1931-b.
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 2. Vol.26,
No.2: 335-370. August 1931.
Desjardins 1931-c.
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 3. Vol.26,
No.3: 493-510. September 1931.
Desjardins 1931-d.
Arthur U. Desjardins, Section 1 of "Action of Roentgen Rays and
Radium on the Eye and the Ear: Experimental Data and Clinical
Radiotherapy," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium
Therapy Vol.26, No.4: 639-679. October, 1931.
Desjardins 1931-e.
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 2. Vol.26,
No.5: 786-819. November 1931.
Desjardins 1931-f.
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 3. Vol.26,
No.6: 921-942. December 1931.
Desjardins 1932-a.
Arthur U. Desjardins, Section 1 of "Action of Roentgen Rays and
Radium on the Heart and Lungs: Experimental Data and Clinical
Radiotherapy" American Journal Of Roentgenology And And Radium
Therapy Vol.27, No.1: 149-176. January 1932.
Desjardins 1932-b
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 2. Vol.27,
No.2: 303-335. February 1932.
Desjardins 1932-c.
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 3. Vol.27,
No.3: 477-495. March 1932.
Desjardins 1932-d.
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 4. Vol.28,
No.1: 127-143. July 1932.
Desjardins 1932-e
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 5. Vol.28,
No.2: 271-292. August 1932.
Desjardins 1932-f.
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 6. Vol.28,
No.3: 421-436. September 1932.
Desjardins 1932-g.
Arthur U. Desjardins, ibid, Section 7. Vol.28,
No.4: 566-578. October 1932.
Desjardins 1932-h.
Arthur D. Desjardins, ibid, Section 8. Vol.28,
No.5: 699-720. November 1932.
Desjardins 1932-i.
Arthur D. Desjardins, ibid, Section 9. Vol.28,
No.6: 843-858. December 1932.
Desjardins 1937
Arthur U. Desjardins. "The Action of Roentgen Rays or Radium in
Inflammatory Processes" Radiology
Vol.29: 436-445. October 1937.
Desjardins 1939.
Arthur U. Desjardins, "Roentgen Therapy for Inflammatory
Conditions," Proceedings of Staff Meetings Mayo
Clinic Vol.14: 177-180. 1939.
Desjardins 1939-a.
Arthur U. Desjardins, "Dosage and Method for Roentgen Therapy for
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Desjardins 1942.
Arthur U. Desjardins, "The Action of Roentgen Rays on Inflammatory
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Dewing 1965.
Stephen B. Dewing, Radiotherapy Of Benign Disease. 311 pages.
Library of Congress Catalog Number 65-11686. (Charles C. Thomas,
publisher, Springfield Illinois USA 62794). 1965.
Donaldson 1930.
Sam W. Donaldson, "Hyperplasia of the Thymus: A Study of 1045
Patients Including Available Family and Maternal History,"
American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.24:
523-532. November 1930.
Donaldson 1938.
Sam W. Donaldson, "A Study of the Relation between Birth Weight
and Size of the Thymus Shadow in 2,000 Newborn," Ohio State
Medical Journal Vol.34, No.5: 538-541. 1938.
Donegan 1995.
William L. Donegan + John S. Spratt, Cancer Of The Breast,
Fourth Edition. ISBN 0-7216-4694-8. (W.B. Saunders Company,
Philadelphia.) 1995.
Doody 1996 or 1997.
Michelle Doody et al, at the National Cancer Institute (USA), are
preparing an expanded version of the Hoffman
1989 study on x-ray-produced breast cancer in scoliosis
patients. Publication is expected in 1996 or 1997. Details
from Michelle Doody, Radiation Epidemiology,
NCI. Telephone: 301-496-6600.
Douglas 1933.
B.H. Douglas, "The Importance of the Roentgen Examination in the
Modern Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis," American Journal Of
Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.30, No.3: 305-308.
September 1933.
Easton 1994.
D.F. Easton, "Cancer Risks in A-T Heterozygotes," International
Journal Of Radiation Biology Vol.66
(Supplement): S177-182. 1994.
Egan 1962.
Robert L. Egan, "Fifty-three Cases of Carcinoma of the Breast,
Occult until Mammography," American Journal Of Roentgenology And
Radium Therapy Vol.88: 1095-1011. 1962.
Egan 1963.
Robert L. Egan, "Mammography: Report on 2,000 Studies," Surgery
Vol.53, No.2: 291-302. March 1963.
Egan 1964.
Robert L. Egan, "Mammography in the Diagnosis of Breast
Diseases," Journal Of General Practice Vol.29, No.6: 125-130.
June 1964.
Eller 1927.
Joseph Jordan Eller, "Supersoft Roentgen Rays (2 A) in
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Therapy Vol.18, No.5: 433-442. 1927.
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Rolf Bull Engelstad + Rolf Weyde, "Adenofibrosis Mammae: The
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H.J. Evans + K.E. Buckton + G.E. Hamilton + A. Carothers,
"Radiation-Induced Chromosome Aberrations in Nuclear-Dockyard
Workers," Nature Vol. 277: 531-534. February 15, 1979.
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J.S. Evans + J.E. Wennberg + B.J. McNeil, "The Influence of
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Vol.62: 230-233. 1989.
FDA 1994.
Food and Drug Administration, "Avoidance of Serious X-Ray-Induced
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Fisher 1925.
Mulford K. Fisher, "Roentgen-Ray Treatment of Chronic Cough in
Children," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy
Vol.14: 244-246. 1925.
Fletcher 1986.
E.W.L. Fletcher + J.D. Baum + G. Draper, "The Risk of Diagnostic
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Vol.59: 165-170. 1986.
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Donald S. Fredrickson, "Phenotyping: On Reaching Base Camp
(1950-1975)," pp.1-15 in Dyslipoproteinemia: From Phenotypes To
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Circulation Vol.87, No.4, April 1993. Based on
presentations at the Ninth International Symposium on
Atherosclerosis, Chicago, October 9, 1991.
Friedlander 1907.
Alfred Friedlander, "Status Lymphaticus and Enlargement of the
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R. Gallini + S. Belletti + U. Giugni, "Cost Benefit Evaluation
in a Quality Control Programme for Conventional
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Robert M. Geist + Otto Glasser + C. Robert Hughes, "Radiation
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Radiology Vol.60: 186-191. 1953.
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J. Gershon-Cohen + A. Strickler, "Roentgenologic Examination of
the Normal Breast; Its Evaluation in Demonstrating Early
Neoplastic Changes," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium
Therapy Vol.40: 189-201. 1938.
Gershon-Cohen 1958.
J. Gershon-Cohen + Helen Ingleby, "Roentgenography of Unsuspected
Carcinoma of the Breast," Journal of the American Medical
Association Vol.166: 869-873. February 22, 1958.
Gershon-Cohen 1961.
J. Gershon-Cohen + M.B. Hermel + S.M. Berger, "Detection of Breast
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Journal of the American Medical Association Vol.176, No.13:
1114-1116. July 1, 1961.
Gershon-Cohen 1964.
J. Gershon-Cohen + Myron Forman, "Mammography of Cancer." Bulletin
Of The New York Academy Of Medicine Vol.40, No.9: 674-689.
September 1964.
Gilman 1989.
E. Gilman + Alice M. Stewart + E.G. Knox et al, "Trends in Obstetric
Radiography, 1939-1981," Journal Of Radiological Protection
Vol.9: 93-101. 1989.
Gittings 1926.
J.C. Gittings, "Thymus Death in Early Life: Its Clinical
Differentiation," Atlantic Medical Journal 853-857. September
Gofman 1969.
John W. Gofman + Arthur R. Tamplin, "Low Dose Radiation and
Cancer," paper presented October 29, 1969 at the IEEE Nuclear
Science Symposium, San Francisco. In IEEE Transactions On
Nuclear Science Vol.NS-17, No.1: 1-9 February 1970. (Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, New York City.) 1969.
Gofman 1971.
John W. Gofman + Arthur R. Tamplin, "Epidemiologic Studies of
Carcinogenesis by Ionizing Radiation," in Proceedings Of The Sixth
Berkeley Symposium On Mathematical Statistics And Probability:
235-277. (University of California Press, Berkeley, California
94720.) 1971.
Gofman 1981. #
John W. Gofman, Radiation And Human Health. 908 pages.
ISBN 0-87156-275-8. (Sierra Club Books, San Francisco,
California, USA.) 1981. Also, a Japanese-language edition, 1991,
is available (Shakai-Shishosa Company, Tokyo).
Gofman + O'Connor 1985.
John W. Gofman + Egan O'Connor, X-Rays: Health Effects Of Common
Exams. 440 pages. ISBN 0-87156-838-1. (Sierra Club Books, San
Francisco, California.) 1985.
Gofman 1986.
John W. Gofman, "Assessing Chernobyl's Cancer
Consequences: Application of Four `Laws' of Radiation
Carcinogenesis," presentation as a panelist at the Symposium on
Low-Level Radiation, 192nd National Meeting of the American
Chemical Society, held in Anaheim, California, September 9, 1986.
Gofman 1990.
John W. Gofman, Radiation-Induced
Cancer From Low-Dose Exposure: An Independent Analysis,
First Edition. 480 pages. ISBN 0-932682-89-8. (Committee for
Nuclear Responsibility Books, San Francisco, California.) 1990. A
Russian-language edition (1995) is available from the
Socio-Ecological Union, Nuclear Ecology Program (Attn: Lydia
Popova), 4 Luchnikov Per., Number 10-11, Moscow.
Gofman 1993.
John W. Gofman with Paul Williams: A preliminary analysis of
myocardial infarction and earlier lipoprotein patterns in the
on-going follow-up of the Livermore study-group; presented at the
dinner-meeting of the Arteriosclerosis Section of the American
Heart Assn. during the national meeting in Atlanta, November
9, 1993.
Gofman 1994.
John W. Gofman, Chernobyl Accident: Radiation Consequences For
This And Future Generations. 574 pages, in the Russian-language.
Translated by Professors Emanuel I. Volmyansky and Olga A.
Volmyanskaya. ISBN 5-339-00869-X. (Vysheishaya Shkola Publishing
House, 11 Masharov Avenue, Minsk 220048, Belarus; fax 0172-239568,
Tatiana K. Maiboroda, Editor-in-Chief). 1994. English-language
edition scheduled as soon as time permits.
Gofman 1995.
John W. Gofman, Preventing Breast Cancer: The Story Of A Major,
Proven, Preventable Cause Of This Disease, First
Edition. 339 pages. ISBN 0-932682-94-4. LCCN
94-69129. (Committee for Nuclear Responsibility Books, San
Francisco.) 1995.
Gofman 1995-b.
John W. Gofman, "X-Rays and Breast Cancer," (letter),
Journal Of The American Medical Association
Vol.274, No.22: 1762. December 13, 1995.
Gofman 1995-c.
John W. Gofman, "Breast Cancer and Very-Low-Dose X-Rays,"
(letter), Lancet Vol.346: 1701. December 23/30, 1995.
Gofman 1996.
John W. Gofman, "Atherosclerotic Heart Disease and Cancer: Looking
for the `Smoking Guns'," one of a series called "Milestones in
Biological Research," invited by the Federation of American
Societies for Experimental Biology, in the
FASEB Journal, April 1996.
Goldberg 1996.
Henry I. Goldberg + Steven E. Ross, Introduction To Clinical
Imaging: A Syllabus. 140 pages. From the Steven E. Ross
Learning Center, Dept. of Radiology, University of California San
Francisco Medical School. 1996.
Gordon 1973.
Everett J. Gordon, A Practical Medico-Legal Guide For The
Physician. (Charles C. Thomas Company, Springfield,
Illinois, USA.) 1973.
Gray 1983.
Joel E. Gray + Alan D. Hoffman + H.A. Peterson, "Reduction of
Radiation Exposure during Radiography for Scoliosis," The Journal
Of Bone And Joint Surgery Vol.65-A: 5-12. 1983.
Gray 1984.
Joel Gray quoted at page 96 in "Everyday Radiation," by Elisabeth
Rosenthal, in Science Digest, March 1984.
Green 1968.
Morris Green + Robert Haggerty (Editors), In Ambulatory
Pediatrics. 970 pages. (W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania USA.) 1968.
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Roy M. Greenthal, "The Incidence of Thymic Enlargement without
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Children Vol.24: 433-440. 1922.
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Kathleen A. Greer, "Reports of Radiation Injuries from Fluoroscopy
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American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.11,
No.2: 141-146. February 1924.
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Treatment," Atlantic Medical Journal pp.502-506. May 1925.
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James Tayloe Gwathmey, Anesthesia. 945 pages. (D. Appleton
& Co., New York.) 1914.
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George Fedor Haenisch, "Roentgenology as a Specialty: Caldwell
Lecture, 1931," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium
Therapy Vol.26, No.6: 821-833. December 1931.
Hammar 1921.
J.A. Hammar, "The New Views as to the Morphology of the Thymus
Gland, and Their Bearing on the Problem of the Function of the
Thymus," Endocrinology Vol.5: 543-573 and
731-760. September and November 1921.
Hammerstein 1979.
G.R. Hammerstein + D.W. Miller + D.R. White et al, "Absorbed
Radiation Dose in Mammography," Radiology
Vol.130: 485-491. 1979.
Harbor 1995.
Harbor UCLA Division of Nuclear Medicine, "Today's
Breakthroughs: Tomorrow's Cures. Research
Summary. Topic: Alternative to Breast Biopsies. Report
788." (1-page news release.) June 1995.
Harvey 1945.
R.A. Harvey + H.A. Spindler + A.H. Dowdy, "Roentgen Therapy as an
Adjunct in the Management of Acute Postpartum Mastitis," Surgery,
Gynecology, & Obstetrics Vol.80: 396-403. 1945.
Harvey 1985.
Elizabeth B. Harvey + John D. Boice, Jr., et al, "Prenatal X-Ray
Exposure and Childhood Cancer in Twins," New England J.
Med. Vol.312, No.9: 541-545. 1985.
Hasley 1933.
C.K. Hasley, "A Study of the Motor Phenomenon of the Mediastinum
in Infants and Children: With Special Reference to Hyperplasia of
the Thymus," Radiology Vol.21: 477-484. 1933.
Hazen 1922.
Henry H. Hazen, "The Roentgen-Ray Treatment of Diseases of the
Skin," American Journal Of Roentgenology Vol.9: 247-254. 1922.
Hazen 1930.
Henry H. Hazen, "Injuries Resulting from Irradiation in Beauty
Shops," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy
Vol.23, No.4: 409-412. 1930.
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C.H. Heacock + D.J. Cara, Jr., "Radiation Therapy of
Pancreatitis," Radiology Vol.62, No.5: 654-659. May 1954.
Heath 1995.
Clark W. Heath, book review of Gofman 1995, in
Journal Of The American Medical Assn. Vol.274,
No.8: 657. August 23/30, 1995. Additional comments by Heath
in Skolnick 1995.
Hempelmann 1949.
Louis H. Hempelmann, "Potential Dangers in the Uncontrolled Use of
Shoe-Fitting Fluoroscopes," New England Journal Of Medicine
Vol.241, No.9: 335-336. September 1, 1949.
Hickey 1923.
Preston Hickey, "The Effect of the War on the Development of
Roentgenology," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium
Therapy Vol.10: 70-75. 1923.
Hildreth 1983. #
Nancy G. Hildreth + Roy E. Shore + Louis H. Hempelmann, "Risk of
Breast Cancer among Women Receiving Radiation Treatment in
Infancy for Thymic Enlargement," The Lancet
p.273. July 30, 1983.
Hildreth 1985. #
Nancy G. Hildreth + Roy E. Shore + Louis H. Hempelmann + Marvin
Rosenstein, "Risk of Extrathyroid Tumors Following Radiation
Treatment in Infancy for Thymic Enlargement," Radiation
Research Vol.102: 378-391. 1985.
Hildreth 1989. #
Nancy G. Hildreth + Roy E. Shore + Philip M. Dvoretsky, "The Risk
of Breast Cancer after Irradiation of the Thymus in Infancy," New
England Journal Of Medicine Vol.321, No.19: 1281-1284. 1989.
Hilliard 1908.
Harvey Hilliard, "A Fatal Case of Status Lymphaticus," British
Medical Journal p.202 January 25, 1908. Cited in Gwathmey's
Anesthesia at page 334.
Hoffman 1989. #
Daniel A. Hoffman + John E. Lonstein + Michele M. Morin + Wendy
Visscher + Benjamin S.H. Harris III + John D. Boice, Jr., "Breast
Cancer in Women with Scoliosis Exposed to Multiple Diagnostic
X-Rays," Journal Of The National Cancer Institute Vol.81,
No.17: 1307-1312. September 6, 1989.
Howe 1984. #
Geoffrey R. Howe, "Epidemiology of Radiogenic Breast Cancer,"
pp.119-129 in Radiation Carcinogenesis: Epidemiology And
Biological Significance, edited by John D. Boice, Jr. +
Joseph F. Fraumeni. (Raven Press, New York.) 1984.
Hrubec 1989. #
Zdenek Hrubec + John D. Boice, Jr. + Richard R. Monson + Marvin
Rosenstein, "Breast Cancer after Multiple Chest Fluoroscopies,"
Cancer Research Vol.49: 229-234. 1989.
Huda 1984.
W. Huda, "Is Energy Imparted a Good Measure of the Radiation
Risk Associated with CT
Examinations?" Phys. Med. Biol. Vol.29: 1137-1142. 1984.
Hulka 1995.
Barbara S. Hulka + Azadeh T. Stark, "Breast Cancer: Cause and
Prevention," (review article), Lancet
Vol.346: 883-887. September 30, 1995. (See also
Gofman 1995-c, letter to Lancet about
Hulka 1995.)
Hull 1985.
Jennifer Bingham Hull, "Faulty X-Ray Devices, Untrained Operators
Overdose U.S. Patients," p.1, p.26, Wall Street Journal,
Dec. 11, 1985.
Husik 1926.
David N. Husik, "Thymic Death in an Adult during Tonsillectomy
under Local Anesthesia," Atlantic Medical Journal 857-869.
September 1926.
ICRU 1986.
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements,
The Quality Factor In Radiation Protection. ICRU Report
40. Report to the ICRP and ICRU of a joint task
group. (Internatl. Comm. on Radiation Units, Bethesda,
Maryland, USA.) 1986.
Isherwood 1978.
I. Isherwood + B.R. Pullan + R. Ritchings, "Radiation Dose in
Neuroradiological Procedures," Neuroradiology
Vol.16: 477-481. 1978.
Jackson 1907.
Chevalier Jackson, "Thymic Tracheostenosis, Tracheostomy,
Thymectomy, Cure," Journal of the American Medical Association
Vol.48: 1753. 1907.
Jackson 1915.
Chevalier Jackson, A Personal Communication to Henry Pancoast in
1915. Cited at page 547 of Pancoast's article, "Roentgenology of
the Thymus in Infancy and Differential Diagnoses of Enlarged
Thymus and Its Treatment," American Journal Of Medical ScienceS
Vol.180, No.6: 745-767. December 1930.
Jankowski 1984.
J. Jankowski, "Organ Doses in Diagnostic X-Ray Procedures,"
Health Phys. 46: 228-234. 1984.
Janower + Miettenen 1971.
M.L. Janower + O.S. Miettenen, "Neoplasms after Childhood
Irradiation of the Thymus Gland," Journal of the American Medical
Association Vol.215: 753-756. 1971.
Johns + Cunningham 1983.
H.E. Johns + J.R. Cunningham (editors), The Physics Of
Radiology, Fourth Edition. (Charles C. Thomas, publisher,
Springfield, Illinois, USA.). 1983.
Johnson + Goetz 1986.
David W. Johnson + Walter A. Goetz, "Patient Exposure Trends in
Medical and Dental Radiography," Health Physics Vol.50,
No.1: 107-116. 1986.
Karchner + Kennecott 1922.
Rolla G. Karchner + Robert Helm Kennecott, "A Practical Method of
Roentgen Examination of the Heart Based upon a Study of 100
Consecutive Normal and Abnormal Cases." American Journal Of
Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.9,
No.4: 305-314. April 1922.
Kellerer 1987.
Albrecht M. Kellerer, "Models of Cellular Radiation Action,"
pp.305-375 in Kinetics Of Nonhomogeneous Processes,
edited by Gordon R. Freeman. (John Wiley & Sons, New York.)
Kelly 1975.
Kevin M. Kelly + Dale A. Madden + Joseph Arcarese + Mark Bennett +
Reynold F. Brown, "The Utilization and Efficacy of Pelvimetry,"
American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.125,
No.1: 66-74. September 1975.
Kendall 1989.
G.M. Kendall + B.F. Wall + S.C. Darby, "X-Ray Exposures of the
Foetus," Journal Of Radiological Protection
Vol.9: 285-287. 1989.
Kerley + Graves 1924.
Charles Gilmore Kerley + Gaylord Willis Graves, The Practice Of
Pediatrics, Third Edition. 922 pages. (W.B. Saunders Company,
publisher, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.) 1924.
Kerr 1988.
George D. Kerr, "Quality Factors," Health Physics Vol.55,
No.2: 241-249. 1988.
Khalkhali 1995.
Iraj Khalkhali, "Scintimammography: A Complementary Technique to
Improve the Specificity of Mammography," p.33-41, Advance For
Administrators In Radiology, November 1995.
Klement 1972.
A.W. Klement + C.R. Miller + R.P. Minx et al., "Estimates of
Ionizing Radiation Doses in the United States 1960-2000." U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency Report ORP/CSD 72-1. 1972.
(Also in UNSCEAR 1977 at paras.87-88.) 1977.
Kodama 1993.
Yoshiaki Kodama + Mimako Nakano + Kazuo Ohtaki + Akio A. Awa +
J.N. Lucas + T. Straume + D. Pinkel + J.W. Gray, "Biotechnology
Contributes to Biological Dosimetry: Using Fluorescence In-Situ
Hybridization to Detect Chromosome Translocations, Radiation- and
Chemical-Induced Chromosome Changes Can be Identified Decades
after Exposure," RERF Update Vol.4, Issue 4: 6-7. Winter
1992-93. (Radiation Effects Research Foundation, Hiroshima,
Japan.) 1993.
Kuhn 1985.
H.F. Kuhn, "Methods for Reducing Patient Dose: Rare
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Radiography," British Journal Of Radiology Vol.18
(Suppl.): 37-39. 1985.
Lancet 1993.
Lancet Editors, "Breast Cancer: Have We Lost Our Way?"
(editorial), Lancet Vol.341: 343-344.
February 6, 1993.
Land + McGregor 1979. #
Charles E. Land + D.H. McGregor, "Breast Cancer Incidence among
Atomic Bomb Survivors: Implications for Radiobiologic Risk at Low
Doses," Journal Of The National Cancer Institute Vol.62: 17-21.
Land 1993. #
Charles E. Land + Masayoshi Tokunaga + Shoji Tokuoka + Nori
Nakamura, "Early-Onset Breast Cancer in A-Bomb Survivors," The
Lancet Vol.342: 237. July 24, 1993.
Land 1995. #
Charles E. Land, "Studies of Cancer and Radiation Dose among
Atomic Bomb Survivors," Journal Of The American Medical
Association Vol.274, No.5: 402-407. August 2, 1995.
Lange 1911.
Sidney Lange, "X-Ray Therapy of Enlarged Thymus," American
Quarterly Of Roentgenology Vol.3, No.1: 1-22. April 1911.
Laws 1977.
Priscilla Laws, Chapter 4, Section on "Chiropractors and X-Rays,"
In X-Rays: More Harm Than Good? ISBN 0-87857-164-5. (Rodale
Press, Emmaus, PA.) 1977.
Laws 1980.
Priscilla Laws + Marvin Rosenstein, "Quantitative Analysis of the
Reduction in Organ Doses in Diagnostic Radiology by Means of
Entrance Exposure Guidelines." U.S. Dept. of Health, Education
and Welfare (HEW), Food and Drug Admin. (FDA). HEW (FDA)
Publication 80-8107. 1980.
Leddy 1934.
Eugene T. Leddy + Earl I.L. Cilley + B.R. Kirklin, "The Dangers of
Roentgenoscopy and Methods of Protection against Them: 1. General
Review of the Problem," American Journal Of Roentgenology And
Radium Therapy Vol.32, No.3: 360-368. 1934.
Leddy 1936.
Eugene T. Leddy, "The Causes of Roentgen-Ray Dermatitis among
Physicians," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium
Therapy Vol.36: 510-511. 1936.
Leddy 1937.
Eugene T. Leddy, "The Dangers of Roentgenoscopy: Summary and
Recommendations," (editorial), American Journal Of Roentgenology
And Radium Therapy Vol.38: 924-927. 1937.
Leddy + Maytum 1949.
Eugene T. Leddy + Charles K. Maytum, "Roentgen Treatment of
Bronchial Asthma," Radiology Vol.52: 199-203. 1949.
Leibovic 1983.
S.J. Leibovic + W.J.H. Caldicott, "Gastrointestinal
Fluoroscopy: Patient Dose and Methods for Its Reduction,"
British Journal Of Radiology Vol.56: 715-719. 1983.
Leonard 1929.
Ralph D. Leonard, Discussant at p.276 in the paper of Frederick W.
O'Brien, "The Roentgen Diagnosis and Treatment of Enlarged
Symptomless Thymus," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium
Therapy Vol.21, No.3: 271-280. March 1929.
Levi + Engle 1950.
L. M. Levi + R.B. Engle, "Radiation Therapy of Acute
Pancreatitis," Radiology Vol.54: 576-578. 1950.
Levin 1957.
Erwin Levin + Charles Clayman + Walter L. Palmer + Joseph B.
Kirsner, "Observations on the Value of Gastric Irradiation in the
Treatment of Duodenal Ulcer," Gastroenterology Vol.32: 42-51.
Lincoln + Spillman 1928.
Edith M. Lincoln + Ramsay Spillman, "Studies on the Hearts of
Normal Children II. Roentgen-Ray Studies," American Journal Of
Diseases Of Children Vol.35, No.5: 791-810. May 1928.
Lomon + Comandon 1925.
Lomon + Comandon, "The Roentgenologic Cinematograph," is the title
of work in France. Summary of their work in France is provided in
American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy
Vol.13: 508. 1925.
Love 1993.
Susan M. Love, "Breast Cancer: What the Department of Defense
Should Do with Its $210 Million," (Commentary), Journal Of
The American Medical Assn. Vol.269, No.18: 2417. 1993.
Love 1995.
Susan M. Love + Karen Lindsey, Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book,
Second Edition. 608 pages. ISBN 0-201-40835-X. (Addison-Wesley,
New York.) 1995.
Lucas 1995.
Joseph N. Lucas + F. Hill et al, "Dose-Response Curve for
Chromosome Translocations Measured in Human Lymphocytes Exposed
to Cobalt-60 Gamma Rays," Health Physics Vol.68, No.6: 761-765.
June 1995.
Mabuchi 1994. #
Kiyohiko Mabuchi + Midori Soda + Elaine Ron + Masayoshi Tokunaga
+ 6 additional co-workers, "Cancer Incidence in Atomic Bomb
Survivors. Part 1. Use of the Tumor Registries in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki for Incidence Studies," Radiation Research Supplement
Vol.137: S1-S16. 1994.
MacKee 1922.
George M. MacKee + George C. Andrews, "The Value of Roentgen
Therapy in Dermatology," American Journal Of Roentgenology And
Radium Therapy Vol.9: 241-246. 1922.
MacKee 1938.
George M. MacKee, X-Rays And Radium In The Treatment Of Diseases
Of The Skin, Third Edition. Several chapters have co-authors.
830 pages. (Lea and Febiger, Malvern, Pennsylvania USA 19355.)
MacKenzie 1965. #
Ian MacKenzie, "Breast Cancer Following Multiple Fluoroscopies,"
British Journal Of Cancer Vol.19: 1-8. March 1965.
MacMahon 1962.
Brian MacMahon, "Prenatal X-Ray Exposure and Childhood Cancer,"
Journal Of The National Cancer Institute
Vol.28: 1173-1191. 1962.
MacMahon 1985.
Brian MacMahon, "Prenatal X-Ray Exposure and Twins,"
New England Journal Of Medicine Vol.312: 576-577. 1985.
Martin 1921.
Charles Martin, "Roentgen Ray Cardiac Studies", American Journal Of
Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.8, No.6: 295-315. June 1921.
Martinez 1921.
Gonzalo Martinez, "Some Recent Advances Made in France on the
Technique of the Roentgen Diagnosis of Diseases of the Heart and
its Vascular Pedicle," American Journal Of Roentgenology Vol.8,
No.9: 491-496. August 1921.
Means 1948.
J.H. Means, The Thyroid And Its Diseases (2nd Edition). (J.B.
Lippincott, Phila.) 1948.
Menville 1932.
Leon J. Menville, "The Radiologic Aspect of Thyrotoxicosis,"
Radiology Vol.18: 568-575. March 1932.
Mettler 1969. #
F.A. Mettler, Jr. + L.H. Hempelmann + 4 additional co-workers,
"Breast Neoplasms in Women Treated with X-Rays for Acute
Post-Partum Mastitis; a pilot study. Journal Of The National
Cancer Institute Vol.43: 803-811. 1969.
Mettler 1985.
F.A. Mettler, Jr. + M. Davis + R.D. Moseley + C.A. Kelsey, "Trends
and Utilization of Nuclear Medicine in the United
States: 1972-1982," Journal Of Nuclear Medicine
Vol.26. 201. 1985.
Mettler 1987.
F.A. Mettler, Jr., "Diagnostic Radiology: Usage and Trends in the
United States, 1964-1980," Radiology Vol.162, No.1: 263-266
January 1987.
Miller 1989. #
Anthony B. Miller + Geoffrey R. Howe + Gregory J. Sherman + Joan
P. Lindsay + 4 additional co-workers, "Mortality from Breast Cancer
after Irradiation during Fluoroscopic Examinations in Patients
Being Treated for Tuberculosis," New England Journal Of
Medicine Vol.321, No.19: 1285-1289. 1989.
MIRD 1975.
MIRD Committee (Medical Internal Radiation Dose), "Summary of
Current Radiation Dose Estimates to Humans for I-123, I-124, I-125,
I-126, I-130, I-131, and I-132 as Sodium Iodide." Dose Estimate
Report No. 5. Journal Of Nuclear Medicine
Vol.16: 857-860. 1975.
Modan 1977.
Baruch Modan et al, "Thyroid Cancer Following Scalp
Irradiation," Radiology Vol.123: 741-744. 1977.
Modan 1989. #
Baruch Modan + Angela Chetrit + Esther Alfandary + Leah Katz,
"Increased Risk of Breast Cancer after Low-Dose Irradiation," The
Lancet: 629-631. March 25, 1989.
Montanara 1986.
A. Montanara + R. Pani + R. Pellegrini et al, "The Radiation Dose
to the Lens in Radiology of the Orbit," British Journal Of
Radiology Vol.59: 1171-1173. 1986.
Moody 1923.
Robert Orton Moody + Roscoe G. Van Nuys + W.E Chamberlain, "Position
of Stomach, Liver, and Colon: Results of Roentgenographic Study in
600 Healthy Adults," Journal Of The American Medical
Association Vol.81: 1924-1930. 1923.
Moody + Van Nuys 1928.
Robert Orton Moody + Roscoe G. Van Nuys, "Some Results of a Study of
Roentgenograms of the Abdominal Viscera," American Journal Of
Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.20, No.4: 348-358. October
Morgan 1933.
Richard Morgan, "Artificial Pneumothorax in a Group of Cases of
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Formerly Looked upon as Hopeless," American
Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.30, No.3: 309-314.
September 1933.
Morgan 1994.
Karl Z. Morgan is widely regarded as "the father of the health
physics profession" in the USA. He has also served for years on the
main committee of the International Commission on Radiological
Protection. Dr. Morgan is now retired from the Oak Ridge National
Morris 1984.
N. Morris + B. Young, "The Accuracy and Interpretation of Numbers
for Practical Radiography," Radiographer pp.107-109. 1984.
Morton + Widger 1940.
John J. Morton + Stanley Widger, "The Diagnosis and Treatment of
Acute Pancreatitis," Annals Of Surgery
Vol.111, No.5: 851-863. 1940.
Mosher 1926.
Harris P. Mosher + Alexander S. Macmillan + Frederic E. Motley, "An
Original Communication," "A Clinical and Preoperative Study of the
Thymus in Children of the Tonsil and Adenoid Age," The
Laryngoscope Vol.36, No.1: 1-30. January 1926.
Muirhead 1995.
Colin R. Muirhead + Chris Sharp, "Breast Cancer Risks,"
Radiological Protection Bulletin No.168: 11-13. August
1995. Critique of Gofman 1995.
Muller-Runkel 1990.
Renate Muller-Runkel + Urmi P. Kalokhe, "Scatter Dose from
Tangential Breast Irradiation to the Uninvolved Breast,"
Radiology Vol.175, No.3: 873-876. 1990.
Mustafa 1985.
A.A. Mustafa + K. Kouris, "Effective Dose Equivalent and Associated
Risks from Mass Chest Radiography in Kuwait," Health Physics
Vol.49: 1147-1154. 1985.
Myrden + Hiltz 1969. #
J.A. Myrden + J.E. Hiltz, "Breast Cancer Following Multiple
Fluoroscopies during Artificial Pneumothorax Treatment of Pulmonary
Tuberculosis," Canadian Medical Association Journal
Vol.100: 1032-1034. 1969.
Nash + Gregg 1979.
C.L. Nash + E.C. Gregg + R.H. Brown + K. Pillai, "Risks of Exposure
to X-rays in Patients Undergoing Long-term Treatment for Scoliosis."
The Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 61-a: 371-74. 1979.
National Cancer Institute 1990.
National Cancer Institute, USA (no author named), Everything
Doesn't Cause Cancer. Booklet, 12 pages. NIH Publication
No. 90-2039. (National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.) March 1990.
NCRP 100.
NCRP 1986.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements,
"Mammography: A User's Guide," NCRP Report 85. (NCRP,
Bethesda, Maryland, USA.) 1986.
NCRP 1989.
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, "Exposure
of the U.S. Population from Diagnostic Medical Radiation," NCRP
Report 100. Issued May 1, 1989. Second Reprinting June 15, 1994.
Address: 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Bethesda, Md 20814.
Neamiro 1983.
E. Neamiro + G. Balode, "Photofluorography of the Thorax," (in
the Russian language). 1983.
Nelson 1950.
Waldo E. Nelson (editor), Mitchell-Nelson's Textbook Of
Pediatrics, 5th Edition, 1658 pages. (W.B. Saunders,
Publisher, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA.) 1950.
Newlin 1978.
N. Newlin, "Reduction in Radiation Exposure: The Rare Earth
Screen," American Journal Of Roentgenology
Vol.130: 1195-1196. 1978.
Nowak 1995.
Rachel Nowak, "Discovery of AT Gene Sparks Biomedical Research
Bonanza," Science Vol.268: 1700-1701. June 23, 1995.
NRPB 1986.
National Radiological Protection Board (Britain), specific
authors: P.C. Shrimpton + B.F. Wall + D.G. Jones et al,
A National Survey Of Doses To Patients Undergoing A Selection
Of Routine X-Ray Examinations In English Hospitals. Report
NRPB-R200. (NRPB, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, England). 1986.
NRPB 1990.
National Radiological Protection Board (Britain), Patient Dose
Reduction In Diagnostic Radiology. Documents of the NRPB,
Vol.1, No.3. 1990.
NRPB 1993.
National Radiological Protection Board (Britain), Board
Statement On Diagnostic Medical Exposures To Ionising Radiation
During Pregnancy, And Estimates Of Late Radiation Risks To The
UK Population. The "Late Radiation Risks" segment was
prepared by Colin Muirhead + Roger Cox + John W. Stather +
B.H. MacGibbon + A.A. Edwards + G.E. Haylock. 157 pages. ISBN
0-85951-365-3.. Vol.4, No.4 in the series Documents of the
NRPB. 1993.
NRPB 1995.
National Radiological Protection Board (Britain), Risk Of
Radiation-Induced Cancer At Low Doses And Low Dose Rates For
Radiation Protection Purposes. Prepared by Roger Cox (head
of biomedical effects) + Colin Muirhead (head of epidemiology)
+ John W. Stather (assistant director of NRPB) + A.A. Edwards
+ M.P. Little. 77 pages. ISBN 0-85951-386-6. Vol.6, No.1 in
the series Documents of the NRPB. October 1995.
NRPB 1995-b.
O'Brien 1929.
Frederick W. O'Brien, "The Roentgen Diagnosis and Treatment of
Enlarged Symptomless Thymus," American Journal Of Roentgenology
And Radium Therapy Vol.21, No.3: 271-280. March 1929.
O'Brien 1933.
E.J. O'Brien, "Collapse Therapy in Early Minimal Lesions of
Pulmonary Tuberculosis," American Journal Of Roentgenology And
Radium Therapy Vol.30, No.3: 315-320. September 1933.
Osmond + Portmann 1949.
John D. Osmond + U.V. Portmann, "Subacute (Pseudotuberculous Giant
Cell) Thyroiditis and Its Treatment," American Journal Of
Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.61,
No.6: 826-829. June 1949.
Pancoast 1911.
Cited in discussion of Lange's 1911 paper. See
Lange 1911.
Pancoast 1930.
Henry K. Pancoast, "Roentgenology of the Thymus in Infancy and
Differential Diagnoses of Enlarged Thymus and Its Treatment,"
American Journal Of The Medical ScienceS
Vol.180, No.6: 745-767. December 1930.
Parker 1989.
B.R. Parker + S.G. Moore + C.J. Bergin et al, "Dose Reduction
in Pediatric Body CT with Ceramic Detectors," Radiology
Vol.173 (Supplement): 374. 1989.
Perkins 1925.
C. Winfield Perkins, "Roentgen Study of Five Hundred Children for
Thymic Enlargement," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium
Therapy Vol.15: 216-222. 1925.
Perkins 1929.
C. Winfield Perkins, "Studies of the Thymus, with Roentgen
Findings," American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy
Vol.21: 256-263. March 1929.
Pfahler 1924.
George Pfahler, "The Diagnosis of Enlarged Thymus by the X-Ray, and
Treatment by X-Ray or Radium," Archives Of
Pediatrics Vol.41: 39-46. January 1924.
Pfahler 1925.
George E. Pfahler, "The Dangers in Roentgenology and Radium Therapy,"
(editorial), American Journal Of Roentgenology And Radium
Therapy Vol.13: 276-277. 1925.
Pfahler 1926.
George E. Pfahler, "The Measurement of the Liver by Means of
Roentgen Rays Based upon a Study of 502 Subjects," American Journal
Of Roentgenology And Radium Therapy Vol.16, No.6: 558-564. 1926.
Pfahler + Keefer 1947.
George E. Pfahler + George P. Keefer, "Roentgen Therapy in Chronic
Mastitis," Pennsylvania Medical Journal
Vol.50: 1347-1356. 1947.
Pfahler 1955.
George E. Pfahler, "More Good Than Evil," essay in CA: A Bulletin
Of Cancer Progress Vol.5, No.1: 2. January 1955.
Pifer 1963.
James W. Pifer + Edward T. Toyooka + Robert W. Murray + Wendell
R. Ames + Louis H. Hempelmann, "Neoplasms in Children Treated with
X Rays for Thymic Enlargement. I. Neoplasms and Mortality," J.
National Cancer Institute Vol.31, No.6: 1333-1356 December 1963.
Poretti 1985.
G. Poretti, "Radiation Exposure of a Population due to Diagnostic
X-Ray Examinations: Some Critical Remarks,"
Phys. Med. Biol. Vol.30: 1017-1027. 1985.
Poulsen 1952.
B. Refslund Poulsen, "Roentgen Treatment of Bronchial Asthma," ACTA
Radiologica Vol.37: 364-368. 1952.
Properzio 1985.
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News. The Microwave News Reprint Service has reprinted a
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Breast-Cancer Reprints, Post Office Box 1799 Grand Central Station,
New York City 10163; Tel. 212-517-2800.) 1994.
Smith 1925.
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2: 1495-1508. 1958. Also "Radiation Dose Effects in Relation
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Lancet 1: 1185-1188. 1970.
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Orhan H. Suleiman + Burton J. Conway + Fred G. Rueter + Robert
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+ J.R. Cunningham. (Charles C. Thomas, publisher, Springfield,
Illinois, USA.) 1983.
Thompson 1994. #
Desmond E. Thompson + Kiyohiko Mabuchi + Elaine Ron + Midori Soda
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Masayoshi Tokunaga + Charles E. Land + 5 additional co-workers,
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October 13, 1982.
Tokunaga 1984. #
Masayoshi Tokunaga + Charles E. Land + 6 additional co-workers,
"Breast Cancer among Atomic Bomb Survivors," pp.45-56 in Radiation
Carcinogenesis: Epidemiology And Biological Significance, edited
by John D. Boice, Jr. + Joseph F. Fraumeni. (Raven Press, New
York.) 1984.
Tokunaga 1985. #
Masayoshi Tokunaga + Charles E. Land + T. Yamamoto + M. Asano +
S. Tokuoka + H. Ezaki + I. Nishimori, "Incidence Of Female Breast
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1950-1980." RERF Technical Report TR-15-84. (Radiation
Effects Research Foundation, Hiroshima.) October 1985.
Tokunaga 1987. #
Masayoshi Tokunaga + Charles E. Land + T. Yamamoto + M. Asano
+ S. Tokuoka + H. Ezaki + I. Nishimori, "Incidence of Female Breast
Cancer among Atomic Bomb Survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
1950-1980," Radiation Research Vol.112: 243-272. 1987.
Tokunaga 1994. #
Masayoshi Tokunaga + Charles E. Land + Shoji Tokuoka + Issei
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Research Vol.138: 209-223. 1994.
Toyooka 1963.
Edward T. Toyooka + James W. Pifer + S. Lee Crump + Arthur M. Dutton
+ Louis H. Hempelmann, "Neoplasms in Children Treated with X Rays
for Thymic Enlargement. II. Tumor Incidence as a Function of
Radiation Factors," J. National Cancer Institute Vol.31,
No.6: 1357-1377. December 1963.
Toyooka 1963a.
Edward T. Toyooka + James W. Pifer + Louis H. Hempelmann,
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J. National Cancer Institute Vol.31,
No.6: 1379-1388. December 1963.
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UCSF 1995.
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No.3: 300-302. September 1933.
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Vol.279: 667-671. 1968.
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by W.A. Glass + M.N. Varma. (Plenum Press, New York.) 1993.
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Yoshimoto 1994.
Yasuhiko Yoshimoto + R. Delongchamp + Kiyohiko Mabuchi, "In-Utero
Exposed Atomic Bomb Survivors: Cancer Risk Update,"
Lancet Vol.344:345-346 1994.
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