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Vista Book
Earthdance Book
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Now She Belongs To The Ages


21 December 2023:

VISTA by Elisabet Sahtouris
VISTA: Life and Getting Where You Want to Be:
VISTA is my name for the Big Picture Worldview I evolved in the course of my life. The word VISTA is an overlap of two shorter words: Vita, which means Life, and Visa, what we need to get where we want to be....
This book is the story – or rather, a slew of stories – about the development of my own Vista, so that you, Dear Reader, can follow my trajectory in my hope it might help you in evolving your own Vista. Why I wrote this book in this way, is a story in its own right....
[T]his book is about my own conscious creation of my ever- evolving Vista – how I became aware of my beliefs, recognizing how I was creating my reality through them, identifying their sources, and questioning them in order to decide which ones served me well and which needed changing....
I am seeking no publisher, as my sole intention is to have it formatted as an eBook in order to give it away freely to any and all who might enjoy the ride and find some value in it.
—From the book's Prologue

Vista is a free PDF ebook (293 pages) accessible here and from its source.


November 2000: The updated 432-page book of EarthDance (ISBN: 0-595-13067-4) is now published by (and available at), distributed by Ingram and available through all normal channels, including the big online bookstores.

EarthDance by Elisabet Sahtouris

Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution:
“To find meaning and guidance in nature, I integrated my personal experience of it with those scientific accounts that seemed to best fit it. From this synthesis, meaning and lessons for humanity emerged freely. I did the work in the peaceful, natural setting of a tiny old village on a small pine-forested Greek island, where I could consider the research and debates of scientists, historians, and philosophers, then test them against the natural world I was trying to understand.”

--From the book’s introduction


EarthDance is a complete book FREE for the downloading from this site in the following formats:�

HTML    ASCII    PDF    gzip'd PostScript




Cosmogenesis & Journey Of A Silica Atom

Elisabet's poems in her own voice with music and images. Watch the universe birthing the Earth; then follow a single atom as it traces its way through all the geology and biology of Earth over time. Great way to get the connectedness of it all Order from Foundation for Global Community, 22 High St., Palo Alto, CA 94301 650/328-7756,, poetry/music/images�($15.00 includes tax; $5.00 shipping/handling).

Meet Elisabet Sahtouris

Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. is an American/Greek evolution biologist, futurist, business consultant, event organizer and UN consultant on indigenous peoples. She is a popular lecturer, television and radio personality, author of EarthDance, Biology Revisioned co-authored with Willis Harman and A Walk Through Time: From Stardust To Us (with prologue by Brian Swimme and epilog by Sidney Liebes).

Elisabet Sahtouris

Dr. Sahtouris has taught at the Univ. of Massachusetts, M.I.T. and was a science writer for the NOVA/ HORIZON TV series. She has lived extensively in Greece and the Peruvian Andes. Her vision is the sustainable health and well-being of humanity within the larger living systems of Earth and Cosmos.

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