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Obtaining Mean DS86 Doses for the T65DR Cohort

          For the reasons fully discussed in Chapters 5 and 6, we propose to use the new DS86 dosimetry by leaving the T65DR dose-cohorts intact, and simply providing each cohort with the appropriate DS86 mean dose in addition to its T65DR mean dose. By contrast, the approach taken so far by RERF to using the new dosimetry, as shown below, would leave no continuity between the DS86 cohorts and the study's previous cohorts.

RERF's Way of Using the DS86 Dosimetry :

          Table 10-A shows how RERF plans to redistribute Hiroshima survivors into new cohorts, and Table 10-B shows how RERF plans to redistribute Nagasaki survivors into new cohorts. Tables 10-A and 10-B refer to RERF's "DS86 Subcohort" of 75,991 survivors (see our Table 5-B), not to the full 91,231 study-sample (see our Table 5-A, 1950-1982).

          The distribution of individuals in the T65DR system is shown on the lefthand side, in ten rows (because RERF is subdividing two of the eight Dose-Groups). The distribution of persons in the new cohorts is shown in ten columns. We are not responsible for the slight disparities between Table 5-B and these tables. The disparities originate with RERF.

          To illustrate what Tables 10-A and 10-B are showing about the discontinuity of proposed cohorts, we will examine Hiroshima Dose-Group 4 in Table 10-A. In the new subcohort of 75,991 persons, 2,670 individuals remain in the T65DR Hiroshima Group 4 (lefthand side).

          But these 2,670 individuals will not stay together as a cohort, after RERF's proposed handling. Instead, with RERF's approach, the New Group 4 will have 2,911 members (see center of the bottom row) -- and only 1,806 of the 2,911 members will come from the previous Group 4. The vertical column entitled "New Group 4" shows that 291 members will come from the previous Group 3-B, and 1,806 members will come from the previous Group 4, and 814 members will come from the previous Group 5.

          All the vertical columns in Tables 10-A and 10-B show similar alteration of the T65DR cohorts.

          Tables 10-A and 10-B make it clear that RERF is using the shielded kerma-ranges (for instance, 1-5 rads, 6-9 rads, 10-19 rads, 20-49 rads, 50-99 rads, etc.) as the basis for composing its totally new cohorts for the DS86 database. But no need exists to treat these particular dose-ranges as inviolable. Treating them this way means sacrificing the continuity of the study's cohorts, the continuity of their prior cancer-counts, the continuity of their true mean ages ATB, and the continuity of their male-female ratios, while saving only the continuity of something which has no importance at all -- the arbitrary dividing-lines in the shielded kerma dose-range.

Our Way of Using the DS86 Dosimetry :

          The "constant-cohort, dual-dosimetry" approach, proposed in Chapter 6, begins here, by answering the question:   "After the individuals who compose a T65DR cohort have each been assigned a new DS86 dose by RERF, what is the new average dose -- in the DS86 system -- for the original group of people?

          The key to obtaining DS86 doses for the full, unaltered T65DR cohorts lies in Tables 10-A and 10-B, where the crucial parts are Columns A and B. These columns show both the mean T65DR and the mean DS86 shielded kerma-doses for the same people. That dose-correspondence is the key.

          The entries for Column A come directly from TR-12-87, Appendix Table 2, p.42. Neutrons and gammas are shown separately. The entries for Column B are calculated from the entries to their right, which are supplementary information provided by RERF at our request (see Chapter 7 and Tables 26-N and 26-"O" in this book).

Partial versus Full Cohorts :

          Table 10-C, which assembles the needed entries from Tables 9-B, 10-A, and 10-B, performs the next step in obtaining DS86 kerma-doses for the full, unaltered T65DR cohorts.

          Because Tables 10-A and 10-B come from the partial cohorts, their Columns B (mean shielded kerma-values in the DS86 dosimetry) should not be directly matched with Table 9-B's T65DR kerma values, which come from the full cohorts.

          Table 10-C uses straight-forward proportion to adjust the DS86 kerma-doses from Tables 10-A and 10-B so that they can be properly paired with the T65DR kerma-doses from Table 9-B for the full cohorts. Note 1 of Table 10-C provides the details.

          The operation in Table 10-C incorporates the approximation that the T65DR-DS86 dose-correspondence, shown for 75,991 study-participants in Tables 10-A and 10-B, will be similar for the 15,240 persons who do not yet have any DS86 dose.

          This approximation cannot affect our findings in the T65DR dosimetry at all, of course. Moreover, it will be quite surprising if the future DS86 doses, for the 15,240 persons presently without them, are so "out of line" that they can appreciably alter any of the findings in this book with respect to the DS86 dosimetry. Whenever we receive the missing information from Dr. Thiessen at RERF, we can check this assumption. During preparation of this analysis, RERF provided no DS86 data beyond its "subcohort."

DS86 Version of T65DR Tables 9-B and 9-C :

          Table 10-D uses the entries from Table 10-C, Columns F and J, to present the DS86 shielded kerma-doses for the full T65DR cohorts, in the format which is directly comparable to T65DR Table 9-B.

          Table 10-E takes the DS86 mean shielded kerma-values from Table 10-D, and converts them into mean internal organ-doses. This is done by using the appropriate DS86 body transmission-factors and the neutron RBE factor of 20. Details are in the Notes of Table 10-E. Table 10-E is the DS86 counterpart of T65DR Table 9-C.

Constant Cohorts with Dual Dosimetry :

          With Table 10-E plus Table 9-C (from the previous chapter), we end up with mean internal whole-body doses for the same cohorts of people, in both the T65DR and DS86 dosimetries.

          Table 10-F demonstrates how we use simple proportions to obtain DS86 doses for all 160 rows of the Master Table 26-A,B,C,D.

Table 10-A
Hiroshima:   Correlation of Mean T65DR Doses (Shielded Kerma)
with Mean DS86 Doses (Shielded Kerma).
All doses and dose-ranges are in centi-grays; n = neutrons; g = gammas.
| T65DR COHORTS (51,390 PERSONS).  |   NEW     NEW     NEW     NEW    NEW    NEW      NEW     NEW      NEW     NEW |
|                                  |   GRP     GRP     GRP     GRP    GRP    GRP      GRP     GRP      GRP    GRP  |
| RERF     Col.A    |       Col.B  |      1    2-A     2-B     3-A    3-B      4        5       6        7     8   |
| DOSE-    T65DR    |        DS86  |                                                                               |
| GROUPS    (cGy)   |       (cGy)  |      0    1-5     6-9     10-    20-    50-      100-    200-     300-   400+ |
|                                    All doses in cGy           19     49     99       199     299      399        |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 1   25244  PERSONS           20346    4898                                                                 |
|       n =   0.0   |  n =   0.00  |     0 n   0.0 n    |       |      |      |         |       |       |      |   |
|       g =   0.0   |  g =   0.16  |      0 g  0.8 g                                                               |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 2-A  8903  PERSONS                    7716   1074     113                                                  |
|     n =     0.0   |  n =   0.00  |           0.0 n  0.0 n   0.1 n    |      |         |       |       |      |   |
|     g =     2.0   |  g =   3.23  |           2.7 g  6.2 g  10.9 g                                                |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 2-B  1984  PERSONS                     130   1631     221      2                                           |
|     n =     2.0   |  n =   0.09  |           0.0 n  0.1 n   0.1 n  0.2 n    |         |       |       |      |   |
|     g =     6.0   |  g =   7.78  |           4.8 g  7.4 g  12.2 g 19.5 g                                         |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 3-A  4904  PERSONS                       1    671    3668    564                                           |
|     n =     3.0   |  n =   0.12  |           0.1 n  0.1 n   0.1 n  0.3 n    |         |       |       |      |   |
|     g =    11.0   |  g =  13.90  |           5.0 g  8.2 g  13.5 g 23.3 g                                         |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 3-B  4684  PERSONS                                    358   4035    291                                    |
|     n =     6.0   |  n =   0.52  |                          0.3 n  0.5 n  1.1 n       |       |       |      |   |
|     g =    26.0   |  g =  31.12  |                         17.2 g 30.5 g 56.8 g                                  |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 4    2670  PERSONS                                           806   1806        58                          |
|     n =    13.0   |  n =   1.38  |                                 1.0 n  1.5 n   2.7 n       |       |      |   |
|     g =    57.0   |  g =  57.39  |                                41.4 g 63.0 g 104.8 g                          |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 5    1642  PERSONS                                                    814     819       9                  |
|     n =    30.0   |  n =   3.23  |                                          2.4 n   4.0 n   7.7 n     |      |   |
|     g =   109.0   |  g = 101.75  |                                         79.2 g 123.1 g 199.1 g                |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 6     595  PERSONS                                                            475     118       2          |
|     n =    55.0   |  n =   6.78  |                                                  6.1 n   9.4 n  14.2 n    |   |
|     g =   188.0   |  g = 165.47  |                                                151.0 g 221.6 g 290.7 g        |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 7     328  PERSONS                                                             63     214      51          |
|     n =    89.0   |  n =  11.01  |                                                  8.1 n  10.8 n  15.5 n    |   |
|     g =   257.0   |  g = 230.05  |                                                168.7 g 228.6 g 311.9 g        |
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| GROUP 8     436   PERSONS                                                             7     142     114     173  |
|     n =   140.0   |  n =  22.34  |                                                  8.7 n  13.0 n  18.2 n  33.3 n|
|     g =   383.0   |  g = 362.86  |                                                182.6 g 245.9 g 323.5 g 492.1 g|
| ===============================================================================================================  |
| BOTH TOTALS = 51,390 PERSONS.      20346   12745   3376    4360    5407    2911    1422     483     167     173  |
NOTES:   The entries in Column A come directly from TR-12-87, Appendix Table 2, p.42. The entries for "n" and "g" in the ten righthand columns were provided to this author by RERF (see Table 26-N of this book). The entries in Column B are calculated from the entries to their right, weighted by the persons directly above those entries.

Table 10-B
Nagasaki:   Correlation of Mean T65DR Doses (Shielded Kerma)
with Mean DS86 Doses (Shielded Kerma).
All doses and dose-ranges are in centi-grays; n = neutrons; g = gammas.

|  T65DR COHORTS (24,601 PERSONS).|   NEW     NEW     NEW     NEW     NEW     NEW     NEW     NEW     NEW    NEW  |
|                                 |   GRP     GRP     GRP     GRP     GRP     GRP     GRP     GRP     GRP    GRP  |
|  RERF     Col.A  |      Col.B   |    1      2-A     2-B     3-A     3-B       4       5       6       7      8  |
|  DOSE-    T65DR  |      DS86    |                                                                               |
| GROUPS    (cGy)  |      (cGy)   |    0      1-5     6-9     10-     20-     50-    100-    200-    300-   400+  |
|                                   All doses in cGy           19      49      99     199     299     399         |
| GROUP 1    9431  PERSONS          9431                                                                          |
|       n =   0.0  |  n =   0.00  |    0 n     |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |      |   |
|       g =   0.0  |  g =   0.00  |    0 g                                                                        |
| GROUP 2-A  8744  PERSONS          4495     4249                                                                 |
|       n =   0.0  |  n =   0.00  |    0 n    0.0 n    |       |       |       |       |       |       |      |   |
|       g =   2.0  |  g =   0.44  |    0 g    0.9 g                                                               |
| GROUP 2-B  1069  PERSONS                   1069                                                                 |
|       n =   0.0  |  n =   0.00  |           0.0 n    |       |       |       |       |       |       |      |   |
|       g =   7.0  |  g =   2.50  |           2.5 g                                                               |
| GROUP 3-A  1702  PERSONS                   1124    506      72                                                  |
|       n =   0.0  |  n =   0.00  |           0.0 n  0.0 n   0.0 n     |       |       |       |       |      |   |
|       g =  14.0  |  g =   5.33  |           4.3 g  6.8 g  11.1 g                                                |
| GROUP 3-B  1165  PERSONS                      5    247     676     237                                          |
|       n =   0.0  |  n =   0.02  |           0.0 n  0.0 n   0.0 n   0.1 n     |       |       |       |       |  |
|       g =  31.0  |  g =  14.95  |           5.2 g  8.1 g  14.1 g  24.7g                                         |
| GROUP 4     953  PERSONS                                    64     805      84                                  |
|       n =   0.0  |  n =   0.20  |                          0.1 n   0.2 n   0.3 n     |       |       |       |  |
|       g =  70.0  |  g =  33.35  |                         17.4 g  32.0 g  58.4 g                                |
| GROUP 5     667  PERSONS                                           109     479      79                          |
|       n =   1.0  |  n =   0.51  |                                  0.3 n   0.5 n   0.9 n     |       |       |  |
|       g = 147.0  |  g =  70.62  |                                 41.9 g  69.5 g 117.0 g                        |
| GROUP 6     426  PERSONS                                                   140     273      13                  |
|       n =   3.0  |  n =   1.13  |                                          0.9 n   1.2 n   2.2 n     |       |  |
|       g = 241.0  |  g = 115.61  |                                         86.7 g 125.7 g 215.2 g                |
| GROUP 7     175  PERSONS                                                     2     134      38       1          |
|       n =   5.0  |  n =   2.00  |                                          1.0 n   1.8 n   2.7 n   3.8 n     |  |
|       g = 343.0  |  g = 176.35  |                                         95.5 g 157.2 g 244.5 g 314.0 g        |
| GROUP 8     269  PERSONS                                                            38     103      43      85  |
|       n =  10.0  |  n =   4.98  |                                                  2.4 n   3.1 n   4.8 n   8.5 n|
|       g = 514.0  |  g = 337.25  |                                                168.9 g 239.6 g 337.9 g 530.5 g|
| BOTH TOTALS = 24,601 PERSONS.    13926     6447    753     812    1151     705     524     154      44      85  |
NOTES:   The entries in Column A come directly from TR-12-87, Appendix Table 2, p.42. The entries for "n" and "g" in the ten righthand columns were provided to this author by RERF (see Table 26-"O" of this book). The entries in Column B are calculated from the entries to their right, weighted by the persons directly above those entries.

Table 10-C
T65DR and DS86, Mean Shielded Kerma-Doses: Comparison of Partial and Full Cohorts.
Doses are in cGy (rads); n = neutrons; g = gammas.

|Col.A    Col.B |     Col.C     Col.D  |   Col.E    Col.F  ||    Col.G    Col.H  |   Col.I    Col.J  |
|               |     T65DR      DS86  |   T65DR     DS86  ||    T65DR     DS86  |   T65DR     DS86  |
|       neutron |    KERMA,    KERMA,  |  KERMA,   KERMA,  ||   KERMA,   KERMA,  |  KERMA,   KERMA,  |
|          and  |   PARTIAL   PARTIAL  |    FULL     FULL  ||  PARTIAL  PARTIAL  |    FULL     FULL  |
|         gamma |    COHORT    COHORT  |  COHORT   COHORT  ||   COHORT   COHORT  |  COHORT   COHORT  |
|                                                          ||                                        |
|===============================  HIROSHIMA  ============= ||  =============  NAGASAKI  ============ |
|DOSE-      n=  |         0         0  |       0        0  ||        0        0  |       0        0  |
|GROUP 1    g=  |         0      0.16  |       0     0.16  ||        0        0  |       0        0  |
|========================================================  ||  ===================================== |
|DOSE-      n=  |   0.36447   0.01640  |     0.8    0.048  ||        0        0  |       0        0  |
|GROUP 2    g=  |   2.72894   4.05917  |     2.5    3.719  ||  2.54469  0.66441  |     2.6    0.679  |
|========================================================  ||  ===================================== |
|DOSE-      n=  |   4.46558   0.31541  |     4.3    0.304  ||        0  0.00813  |       0  0.00813  |
|GROUP 3    g=  |  18.32791  22.31244  |    17.8   21.670  ||  20.9079  9.23906  |    21.2    9.368  |
|========================================================  ||  ===================================== |
|DOSE-      n=  |        13      1.38  |    13.4    1.422  ||        0     0.20  |     0.2    0.262  |
|GROUP 4    g=  |        57     57.39  |    56.9   57.289  ||     70.0    33.35  |    71.0   33.826  |
|========================================================  ||  ===================================== |
|DOSE-      n=  |        30      3.23  |    30.3    3.262  ||      1.0     0.51  |     1.3    0.663  |
|GROUP 5    g=  |       109    101.75  |   108.7  101.470  ||    147.0    70.62  |   145.6   69.947  |
|========================================================  ||  ===================================== |
|DOSE-      n=  |        55      6.78  |    56.8    7.002  ||      3.0     1.13  |     3.4    1.281  |
|GROUP 6    g=  |       188    165.47  |   186.7  164.326  ||    241.0   115.61  |   240.3  115.274  |
|========================================================  ||  ===================================== |
|DOSE-      n=  |        89     11.01  |    92.1   11.393  ||      5.0     2.00  |     5.4     2.16  |
|GROUP 7    g=  |       257    230.05  |   254.3  227.633  ||    343.0   176.35  |   338.3  173.934  |
|========================================================  ||  ===================================== |
|DOSE-      n=  |       140     22.34  |   144.1   22.994  ||     10.0     4.98  |    10.5    5.229  |
|GROUP 8    g=  |       383    362.86  |   380.3  360.302  ||    514.0   337.25  |   518.7  340.334  |
  1. The entries in Cols. C and D come from Table 10-A (Cols. A and B). See Note 2 below.
    The entries in Cols. G and H come from Table 10-B (Cols. A and B). See Note 2 below.
    The entries in Cols. E and I come from Table 9-B.
    The entries in Col. F are calculated: (Col.D) x the ratio (Col.E / Col.C).
      Exception:   Group 2 neutrons were related to Dose-Group 3 and calculated as follows:
      (0.01640) + [(0.8 - 0.36447) / (4.46558 - 0.36447)] x (0.31541 - 0.01640).
    The entries in Col. J are calculated: (Col.H) x the ratio (Col.I / Col.G).
      Exception:   Group 4 neutrons were related to Dose-Group 5 (because of the zero-entry in
      Col.G) and calculated as follows: (0.2) + (0.2 / 1.0)(0.51 - 0.2).

  2. The extra digits in Dose-Groups 2 and 3 come from calculating the weighted average values when combining Dose-Group 2-A with 2-B, and Dose-Group 3-A with 3-B. The digits are maintained for calculating the DS86 values in Cols. F and J.
  3. Comparison of Cols.E and F, for Hiroshima gamma kerma, shows that at low doses (far from the hypocenter), DS86 exceeds T65DR. At higher doses (closer to the hypocenter), the opposite is true. This cross-over is confirmed in Shi87, Fig.2, p.12.
  4. Comparison of Cols.I and J, for Nagasaki neutron kerma, shows that at low doses (far from the hypocenter), DS86 exceeds T65DR. At higher doses (closer to the hypocenter), the opposite is true. This cross-over is confirmed in Shi87, Fig.2, p.12.
  5. Irregularities and cross-overs, like the ones described in Notes 3 and 4, account for some otherwise unexpected T65DR-DS86 dose-correlations in subsequent tables.

Table 10-D
Mean Shielded Kerma-Doses (DS86) in Rads, for the Original Full T65DR Cohorts,
With Neutron and Gamma Components.

|                        Col.A   Col.B   Col.C   Col.D   Col.E    Col.F    Col.G    Col.H |
|                                                                                         |
|                        Dose-   Dose-   Dose-   Dose-   Dose-    Dose-    Dose-    Dose- |
|                        Group   Group   Group   Group   Group    Group    Group    Group |
| Row                      1       2       3       4       5        6        7        8   |
|                                                                                         |
|======================================================================================== |
|                                                                                         |
|  1  HIROSHIMA Persons  27569   15931   10909    2783    1740      659      369      510 |
|                                                                                         |
|  2  Mean Dose (n)        0.0   0.048   0.304   1.422   3.262    7.002   11.393   22.994 |
|  3  Mean Dose (g)       0.16   3.719   21.67  57.289  101.47  164.326  227.633  360.302 |
|  4  Mean Dose (n+g)     0.16    3.77   21.97   58.71  104.73   171.33   239.03   383.30 |
|                                                                                         |
|======================================================================================== |
|                                                                                         |
|  5  NAGASAKI Persons    9604   12924    4034    1442    1388      722      270      377 |
|                                                                                         |
|  6  Mean Dose (n)        0.0     0.0   0.008   0.262   0.663    1.281    2.160    5.229 |
|  7  Mean Dose (g)        0.0   0.679   9.368  33.826  69.947  115.274  173.934  340.334 |
|  8  Mean Dose (n+g)      0.0   0.679    9.38   34.09   70.61   116.56   176.09   345.56 |
|                                                                                         |
|======================================================================================== |
|                                                                                         |
|BOTH CITIES Persons     37173   28855   14943    4225    3128     1381      639      887 |
|                                                                                         |
|  9  Kerma-Dose, calc.   0.12    2.38   18.57   50.31   89.59   142.69   212.44   367.26 |
NOTES -----                                 (n) = NEUTRONS             (g) = GAMMA

This table is the DS86 counterpart of Table 9-B. It provides mean shielded kerma-doses for the same cohorts of persons.

  1. The entries in Rows 1 and 5 for Persons are "cases" from Tables 26-H and 26-I.
  2. The entries in Rows 2, 3, 6, and 7 for the mean neutron and gamma components are all taken from the DS86 values calculated in Table 10-C, Columns F and J, for the full T65DR cohorts.
  3. The entries in Row 9 are calculated from the entries in Rows 1, 4, 5, and 8 directly above them.

Table 10-E
Mean Organ-Doses (DS86) for the Full T65DR Cohorts,
with Neutron RBE = 20, in Centi-Sieverts.

|                                Col.A   Col.B   Col.C    Col.D   Col.E    Col.F    Col.G   Col.H    Col.I  |
|     DS86, RBE = 20             Dose-   Dose-   Dose-    Dose-   Dose-    Dose-    Dose-   Dose-     Ref.  |
|                                Group   Group   Group    Group   Group    Group    Group   Group    Group  |
| Row                              1       2       3        4       5        6        7       8    (1 + 2)  |
|=========================================================================================================  |
|  1  HIROSHIMA Persons          27569   15931   10909     2783    1740      659      369      510   43500  |
|                                                                                                           |
|  2  Organ-Dose (n) RBE=20          0   0.182   1.155    5.404  12.396   26.608   43.293   87.377          |
|  3  Organ-Dose (n,gamma)           0   0.020   0.125    0.583   1.337    2.871    4.671    9.428          |
|  4  Organ-Dose (g)              0.12   2.752  16.036   42.394  75.088  121.601  168.448  266.623          |
|                                                                                                           |
|  5  Total Organ-Dose, cSv       0.12    2.95   17.32    48.38   88.82   151.08   216.41   363.43   1.157  |
|=========================================================================================================  |
|  6  NAGASAKI Persons            9604   12924    4034     1442    1388      722      270      377   22528  |
|                                                                                                           |
|  7  Organ-Dose (n) RBE=20          0     0.0   0.030    0.996   2.519    4.868    8.208   19.870          |
|  8  Organ-Dose (n,gamma)           0     0.0   0.003    0.107   0.272    0.525    0.886    2.144          |
|  9  Organ-Dose (g)                 0   0.502   6.932   25.031  51.761   85.303  128.711  251.847          |
|                                                                                                           |
| 10  Total Organ-Dose, cSv       0.00    0.50    6.97    26.13   54.55    90.70   137.80   273.86   0.288  |
|=========================================================================================================  |
|                                                                                                           |
|     BOTH CITIES Persons        37173   28855   14943     4225    3128     1381      639      887   66028  |
|                                                                                                           |
| 11  Total Organ-Dose, cSv      0.088   1.856  14.522   40.788  73.615  119.510  183.198  325.360   0.861  |
| 12  Organ-Dose from Neut.      0.000   0.101   0.852    3.899   8.013   15.242   28.469   58.685   0.044  |
| 13  Organ-Dose from Gamma      0.088   1.755  13.670   36.889  65.602  104.269  154.730  266.675   0.817  |
| 14  Neutron cSv / Total cSv    0.000   0.054   0.059    0.096   0.109    0.128    0.155    0.180   0.051  |
NOTES -----                                 (n) = NEUTRONS             (g) = GAMMA

This table is the DS86 counterpart of Table 9-C.
It provides mean internal organ-doses for the same cohorts of persons as Table 9-C.

  1. The entries in Rows 2 and 7 for the neutron-component are the corresponding neutron entries in Table 10-D times 3.8 (which is 20 times the conversion factor of 0.19 from Table 9-A, Row 3). The extra factor of twenty is necessary because calculations are for neutron RBE = 20. Note that the body transmission-factors are not the same for the T65DR and DS86 dosimetries.
  2. The entries in Rows 3 and 8 are the entries for neutrons from Table 10-D times the conversion factor of 0.41 (from Table 9-A, Col.E). Note that the factor for DS86 is nearly 6-fold higher than for T65DR. No RBE factor of 20 is used because, after the n,gamma reaction has occurred, the dose is delivered by gamma radiation
  3. The entries in Rows 4 and 9 for the direct gamma component are the corresponding gamma entries in Table 10-D times the conversion factor of 0.74 (from Table 9-A, Row 3). Note that the transmission-factor is appreciably higher for DS86 than for T65DR.
  4. The entries in Row 11, for mean organ-dose in the combined cities, are calculated for each column by the formula [(Row 1 times Row 5) + (Row 6 times Row 10)] / (Row 1 + Row 6).
                 The entries in Row 12 are [(Row 1 times Row 2) + (Row 6 times Row 7)] / (Row 1 + Row 6).
                 The entries in Row 13 are obtained by subtracting Row 12 from Row 11.
                 The entries in Row 14 are, of course, Row 12 / Row 11.

  5. Table 13-A provides a convenient way to compare the values in Row 11 for the DS86 dosimetry with the comparable values in the T65DR dosimetry.

Table 10-F
Correlations Needed To Calculate Kerma-Doses and Organ-Doses in DS-86 Dosimetry,
for the 160 Rows of the Master Table 26-A,B,C,D.

|                                                                                                          |
|                                      Col.A    Col.B   Col.C   Col.D     Col.E    Col.F    Col.G    Col.H |
|       FULL COHORTS                   Dose-    Dose-   Dose-   Dose-     Dose-    Dose-    Dose-    Dose- |
|   Kerma doses in rads (cGy)          Group    Group   Group   Group     Group    Group    Group    Group |
|Row   Organ-doses in rems (cSv)         1        2       3       4         5        6        7        8   |
|========================================================================================================= |
| 1  HIROSHIMA Persons                 27569    15931   10909    2783      1740      659      369      510 |
|                                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 2  T65DR Shielded Kerma Mean Dose     0.00     3.30   22.10   70.30    139.00   243.50   346.40   524.40 |
| 3  DS86 Shielded Kerma Mean Dose      0.16     3.77   21.97   58.71    104.73   171.33   239.03   383.30 |
| 4  DS86 Mean Internal Organ-Dose      0.12     2.95   17.32   48.38     88.82   151.08   216.41   363.43 |
|     (Neutron RBE = 20.)                                                                                  |
|========================================================================================================= |
| 5  NAGASAKI Persons                   9604    12924    4034    1442      1388      722      270      377 |
|                                   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 6  T65DR Shielded Kerma Mean Dose     0.00     2.60   21.20   71.20    146.90   243.70   343.70   529.20 |
| 7  DS86 Shielded Kerma Mean Dose      0.00     0.68    9.38   34.09     70.61   116.56   176.09   345.56 |
| 8  DS86 Mean Internal Organ-Dose      0.00     0.50    6.97   26.13     54.55    90.70   137.80   273.86 |
|     (Neutron RBE = 20.)                                                                                  |
|========================================================================================================= |
| 9  BOTH CITIES Persons               37173    28855   14943    4225      3128     1381      639      887 |
|Persons are provided here as a possible convenience; they are not involved in the calculations below.     |


In the illustration below, we shall consider only Dose-Group 4 in Hiroshima. In Row 2, above, we see that the T65DR mean kerma-dose is 70.30 rads, and that it corresponds with a DS86 mean kerma-dose of 58.71 rads (Row 3). These are the average values derived from all 2,783 Hiroshima survivors in this Dose-Group -- all ages and both sexes.

Now, if we go to Master Table 26-A, for Hiroshima Males, we will calculate the DS86 doses for the males who were age 27 years ATB (Column C) and who are in Dose-Group 4 (Column E).

We find that their true T65DR mean kerma-dose is 68.0 rads, which is lower than the 70.30 rads above in Row 2. Therefore, we know that the corresponding DS86 mean kerma-dose will also be lower than the 58.71 rads above in Row 3. So we multiply 58.71 rads by the factor (68.0 rads / 70.30 rads), and we enter 56.79 rads in Column I (Eye) as the true DS86 kerma-dose.

To obtain the corresponding internal organ-dose, we start again with the anchor in Table 10-F above. We see in Row 3 that, in Dose-Group 4, the DS86 mean kerma-dose is 58.71 rads, and that it corresponds with a DS86 mean internal organ-dose in Row 4 of 48.38 rems.

However, for the males who were age 27 years ATB, we determined above that the DS86 mean kerma-dose is 56.79 rads, which is lower than 58.71 rads. Therefore, we multiply 48.38 rems by the factor (56.79 rads / 58.71 rads), and we enter 46.80 rems in Column J as the DS86 internal organ-dose.

In the same steps, values were determined for all the rows of Columns I and J in Master Table 26-A,B,C,D.

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