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co-globalizing gaia's children's focus on :

Biological koyaanisqatsi

This thread -- of transnational corpses endeavoring to "own" the fabric of life itself, by manifesting such Biological koyaanisqatsi -- is occurring on the same level of magnitude as the inappropriate exercise of human intelligence with all man-made things nuclear. Learn all about this. Teach everyone you know. Education can stop this inappropriate state of life that calls for another way of living.

Current Top-of-the-Reading List:

Monsanto to own soyabean! by Devinder Sharma, May 2003
Patently Wrong! Monsanto species patent on soy beans upheld in Munich,
by ETC group, 6/5/03

New Threat to Indigenous People

by Pat Mooney
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
ETC Group - Action Group on Erosion, Technology, and Concentration:

The ETC Century; Erosion,
Technological Transformation, and
Corporate Concentration in the 21st Century

Apr 2001

by Barry Commoner:
Unraveling the DNA Myth,
The Spurious Foundation of Genetic Engineering

Feb 2002

by Dr. David Suzuki:
The Dark Side of Genetics and The Implications
of the Biotechnology Revolution
IFG Seattle Teach-In, 11/27/99

by Elizabeth Sahtouris:
What the Human Genome Tells Us, May 2001

by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho:

Sept 2001: Note the 53 new papers mirrored from the ISIS site

Towards a New Ethic of Science, Spring 2000

The Organic Revolution in Science, 10/29/99

The Biotechnology Debate has United the World against Corporate Rule, 11/27/99

Genetic Engineering Biotechnology - Challenges and Opportunities, 5/28/99

Why We Should Reject Biotech Patents from TRIPS

No to GMO's -- Civil Society vs Corporate Empire, 9/11/99

Why I Cannot Remain Silent about GM technology, by Aarpad Pusztai, 9/99

Monsanto's `Desperate' Propaganda Campaign Reaches Global Proportions
Leaked Report mirrored from, June 2000

from the Multinational Monitor's Biotech Futures issue:

An Interview with Pat Mooney, executive director of RAFI

Changing the Nature of Nature - An Interview with Martin Teitel

In The Pipeline: Genetically Modified Humans?

Why Labeling Genetically Modified Organisms is Pointless

by Andy Savage,    South Downs EF!,    February 1997

Keeping in mind the fact that:

The campaign for labelling is making the issue of a life-threatening technology appear to be merely an issue of civil rights. This is playing right into the hands of the biotech corporations.

Winning a "Consumer Right To Know" campaign certainly has its merits. But it is not going to resolve the fact that:

Genetically-Modified Organisms (GMOs) have and will cross with non-GM crops and wild relatives. This will make it impossible to have any foods that will be free of the modified genes, and any other dangerous bits and pieces that have been inserted into the organisms.
        Other evidence shows that the vectors used are also dangerous, and this means that the whole process must be stopped until such time as the scientists themselves (free of the constraints imposed on them by greedy self-interested corporations) can prove conclusively that they have reached a level of expertise and knowledge that is needed to be sure of no danger.

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Scientists Speak Out

Dr. David Suzuki Dr. David Suzuki

"Unlike drugs, food has to be ingested everyday. We digest nourishment and create our bodies from it. Genetically engineered food is revolutionary and our experience with DDT, nuclear power and CFC's has taught us we should be extremely cautious in using any new powerful technology widely. We haven't yet developed the basic groundrules and consequences of transgenic manipulations. There is still too much basic information to be acquired and too many questions to be answered. With the heavy investment of speculative money, financial pressures are overriding a precautionary approach. Government agencies that should be concerned with health and ecological impacts of biotechnology are too tightly linked to the industry to assure the public. It is up to informed citizens to demand that greater caution be applied to the widespread use of transgenic organisms."

"Any politician or scientist who tells you these products are safe is either stupid or lying."

Professor Mae-Wan Ho
UK Open University Department of Biology

"Science is not bad, but there is bad science. Genetic Engineering is bad science working with big business for quick profit against the public good."

"We must actively connect the genetic engineering debate with holistic, ecological sciences. It is the most effective way to recapture the agenda from the corporations."

"Genetic engineering bypasses conventional breeding by using artificially constructed parasitic genetic elements, including viruses, as inside cells. These vectors slot themselves into the host genome. The insertion of foreign genes into the host genome has long been known to have many harmful and fatal effects including cancer of the organism."

Dr. Sheldon Krimsky
Deptartment of Environmental Policy, Tufts University

"The real story behind genetically modified foods involves the corporate capture of regulation and the commercializing of science... There's no longer a clear line between academic and industry science... American universities are poised to share the expected, windfall profits of new biotech products... As a result, it's hardly a surprise to find so little skepticism about the health and ecological safety of genetically modified foods."

"How many are naïve enough to believe that a technology powerful enough to commingle genes from distant sources cannot result in some mistakes."

Professor Richard Lacey
Food Safety at Leeds University

"The fact is, it is virtually impossible to even conceive of a testing procedure to assess the health effects of genetically engineered foods when introduced into the food chain, nor is there any valid nutritional or public interest reason for their introduction."

Dr. Vandana Shiva Dr. Vandana Shiva
The Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy

"I call biotech and patenting the colonization of the future. The colonization of the past only had some victims. The colonization of the future has us all."

"A common myth used by Monsanto and the Biotechnology industry is that without genetic engineering, the world cannot be fed. However, while biotechnology is projected as increasing food production four times, small ecological farms have productivity hundreds of time higher than large industrial farms based on conventional farms."


Dr. Joseph Cummins
Professor Emeritus of Genetics at the University of Western Ontario

"Probably the greatest threat from genetically altered crops is the insertion of modified virus and insect virus genes into crops. It has been shown in the laboratory that genetic recombination will create highly virulent new viruses from such constructions. Certainly the widely used cauliflower mosaic virus is a potentially dangerous gene. It is a pararetrovirus meaning that it multiplies by making DNA from RNA messages. It is very similar to the Hepatitis B virus and related to HIV. Modified viruses could cause famine by destroying crops or cause human and animal diseases of tremendous power."


Professor Dennis Parke
University of Surrey School of Biological Sciences

A former chief advisor on food safety to Unilever Corporation and British advisor to the US FDA on safety aspects of biotechnology writes: "In l998 hundreds of people in Spain died after consuming adulterated rapeseed (canola) oil. This adulterated rapeseed oil was not toxic to rats." Dr. Parke warns that current testing procedures for genetically altered foods -- including rodent tests -- are not proving safety for humans.



David Suzuki

Mae-Wan Ho

Sheldon Krimsky

Richard Lacey

Vandana Shiva

Joseph Cummins

Dennis Parke

Please email Questions, Comments and Suggestions to:

That is why this wonderful team that has come together through the IFG has taken on the challenge through the International Forum on Agriculture to start, not just changing the rules within the WTO, but starting to change the paradigm of agriculture. Because our actions have taught us, it is the extent to which we are effective in our everyday lives we are effective in changing the rules of the game.
          This is why we must also start to change the laws of this country that are the model laws for the WTO and are being forced on the rest of us. In this week we will together launch the Global Campaign Against Biopiracy. I invite everyone of you to be an active citizen to change the U.S. patent laws, particularly Article 102 that allows that piracy. For you to dismantle Special 301 of your Trade Act that allows your government to constantly threaten our governments to force us to implement laws that are still under negotiation.

Vandana Shiva, IFG Teach-In, 11/26/99

 Links to Further Reading 

GM Debate

Organic Agriculture

Environmental Groups

Other Websites

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