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We can have a democratic society or we can have the concentration of great wealth in the hands of a few. We cannot have both.

--Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis (1856-1941)

Speech Transcripts
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Ralph Nader: Challenging Autocratic Governance,
Expanding Democractic Participation

Free Air Time on PBS: Not for All Candidates, 10/25/00
Sign PBS Petition / Greens A Major Party Now

Will Gore Throw the Election to Bush?, by Robert W. McChesney, 10/26/00

Third Party, Mainstream Hopes, by Barbara Ehrenreich, 10/26/00

Why I'm Voting For Ralph, by Robert W. McChesney, 8/21/00

Moore Wants More Ralph, Michael Moore, 9/26/00

All of this increasing critique of corporate globalization -- we should always use the adjective -- comes from a long overdue pattern of research to discern the systems of control. Make no mistake about it. Although the shibboleths of free trade are tossed in front of an often misinformed media, the issue with the IMF and World Trade Organization and World Bank is governance. It's the governance systems for global corporations that we're really dealing with.
          The fundamental issue we face is the autocratic systems of governance that undermine democracy, that subordinate human rights and the rights of people for decent standards of living and for decent standards of justice. This is what is at stake here: Challenging international systems of autocratic governance that serve, overwhelmingly, the interests of giant global corporations who dominate and seek to dominate everything in their path.
          They want to dominate governments. They want to dominate the workplace. They want to dominate the marketplace. They want to dominate the universities by corporatizing them. They want to dominate the very concept of childhood with their brazen commercial exploitation of small children. They want to dominate the shaping of the environment. They want to control the genes of the natural world. They want to control the human genes. They want to control the seeds. They want to control the future.
          We have to make sure that this relentless drive for control by the commercial instinct -- which every major religion in the world has warned us about for two thousand years -- should never be given excessive power. Because in its singular focus and drive and lack of respect for other values, it destroys these other values in a paroxysm of greed that implodes on itself.

Ralph Nader's indefatigable commitment to accept the responsibility to bequeath to future generations a society that we can be proud of and one that uplifts the rest of the world is a great beacon for others.

Inspired by the emphasis he has put on the year 2000 Corporate Presidential Campaign, we provide here some transcripts that call out the best within us to actively participate in shaping the directions and priorities of our society. Speaking on CSPAN on September 4th, Nader said the Green Party was winning in the sense of inspiring young people to become further involved in the governmental process. Likewise, this is one of the essential facts of what transpired in Seattle last November-December, at the World Bank/IMF meeting in Washington D.C. this April, at each of the duopoly's conventions this summer, as well as in many other gatherings from around the globe (see the list in Ending Corporate Governance & co-globalizing gaia's children upcoming events for some of these).

Bush and Gore Make Me Wanna Ralph:
A Letter from Michael Moore to the Non-Voters of America, July 19, 2000

Voting For Change, Devotion to a Long-Term, Life-Serving Vision, ratitor's corner: September Equinox

I'm sure the Green Party is going to have the best renewable energy policy of any party, even better than it had in prior years. And it will be a luminous contrast to the Clinton-Gore Administration who have pretty much ignored the need to reverse the Reagan-Bush years and stop subsidizing oil, gas, coal, and nuclear and start supporting the expansion of wind power and photovoltaics and solar, thermal, etc. It is interesting that Gore wrote about this in his book in 1992. No one knew more about it as an elected official than Gore. However he has not made a single statement on solar energy in over seven years in office. That's an example of someone who knows, but is unwilling to act because of who his pay-masters are in the political sphere.

--Ralph Nader, L.A. Press Club, 1 March 2000

Six Present-Day Speech Transcripts

It may surprise some people to learn that about 90% of all the congressional districts in the U.S. Congress are not competitive. That is, they are either dominated by the Republican or the Democratic incumbents and the opposing major political party doesn't even field a candidate in about 70 of these districts, in 1996. In many of the other districts just a nominal candidate runs; some accountant who wants to embellish his resume, throws his hat in the ring and spends a few bucks and gets 30% of the vote.
          That is not a two-party system. That is basically a massively entrenched one-party system. None-of-the-above will tend to break that up. Because right now people in this country cannot go to the polls and vote `no'. They can only vote `yes' for some person on the ballot. If they can go to the ballot and vote for none-of-the-above and if none-of-the-above gets more votes than the other candidates on the ballot, it cancels the election for that ballot-line and orders new elections in 30 to 45 days with new candidates.
          I think that will tend to bring more people out to the polls because they won't be able to say they are staying home in order to protest. Staying home in order to protest doesn't mean a hill of beans to entrenched politicians. They don't care if only 10% of the people vote. The fewer people who vote, the fewer people they can saturate with their political television ads. Instead of staying home, a binding none-of-the-above brings them out.

--Ralph Nader, L.A. Press Club, 1 March 2000
Signs - Print 'em and put 'em
on your bicycle, house, car . . .







Each of these signs measures 8½ by 11 inches. Each file is available in either PostScript or PDF format (there is no difference between them except in the way the data is stored and represented). Both formats are ideally suited for printing. If you aren't familiar with either, get the Adobe Acrobat Viewer from the Adobe website. This will let you view the PDF file and send it to your printer. Go to a copy place to laminate them. i've taped these to my car side-doors, back window and bicycle basket.         -dave

I hope you'll go back so metabolized that you will multiply your efforts in church basements and union local halls and university auditoriums and through your e-mail, so that this time it is not just a surge. It's not just a movement. Not just a demonstration. It is a permanent transformation of the way we use our time and our knowledge and our estimate of our own significance. Estimate of our own significance.
          You are in the top percent or two of people around the world in terms of health, education, and the ability to make a difference. That gives you a moral imperative to do so. You have even a higher responsibility to do so. We are blessed in this country. We have to make sure we stop the reverse slide that is occurring even here. We have to go back home and develop our own systems of influence, our own compelling networks, whether through the Internet or through person-to-person contact.

Past Speech Transcripts

Years ago the head of this big advertizing firm -- Foote, Cohen and Belding in New York -- wrote a book called The Trouble With Advertizing. He had a page saying that if he was in charge he would ban political advertizing on the media that is under five minutes. Because, as an expert advertizing specialist that he was, he didn't think that you can get across anything other than emotional imagery and that debased the political process. He came to this conclusion because he did work for the Nixon campaign earlier.

--Ralph Nader, 1 March 2000, L.A. Press Club
On the Web

Significant Transcriptions

Campaign 2000


Organizations Founded by Ralph Nader

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