This was one of eight movies
screened at the
Nevada Museum of Art's Atomic Film Festival, held March 27-28 2004.
"The China Syndrome" Sunday, March 28 at 1:00 pm 25th Anniversary Screening Jack Lemmon, Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas star in this suspenseful story of a nuclear power plant accident and the attempted cover-ups that follow. The China Syndrome is not only a dramatic cautionary thriller about the dangers of nuclear energy, but it also examines the power of television news and it's role in modern society. Eerily, the film accurately foreshadowed the events at Three Mile Island, which occurred only 12 days after the film premiered 25 years ago in March 1979. Presented in wide-screen format. Directed by James Bridges, 121 mins.
Nominated for 4 Academy Awards - Best Actor (Lemmon),
"Well-acted, well-crafted, and scary as hell!"
"As explosive as the metaphor of it's title."
"There is suspense almost from the film's start.
"4 stars! Heartpounding drama, solid performances.