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This was one of eight movies screened at the
Nevada Museum of Art's Atomic Film Festival, held March 27-28 2004.


"On the Beach"

Saturday, March 27 at 5:00 pm

45th Anniversary Screening

Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Anthony Perkins and Fred Astaire (in his first dramatic role) star in Stanley Kramer's powerful and haunting adaptation of Nevil Shute's best-selling novel about Australians living out their remaining days after the rest of the world has destroyed itself from nuclear war.

Produced and directed by Stanley Kramer, 1959. Presented in wide-screen CinemaScope format. 134 mins.

Academy Award nominations for Best Film Editing
and Best Musical Score.

"A quietly devastating film. The acting is solid.
One of the most powerful anti-war films ever made."
- Apollo Movie Guide

"A deeply moving picture. Mr. Kramer has brilliantly directed
a strong and responsive cast. The great merit of this picture,
aside from its entertaining qualities, is the fact that it carries
a passionate conviction that man is worth saving, after all."
- New York Times

"A powerful, well-acted, deftly photographed film."
- TV Guide"