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Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 09:19:36 -0400
From: "Dietrich Fischer" <>
Subject: 5 Peace Courses - Summer 2002

Dear friends,

Here are announcements for 5 courses on peace journalism, conflict transformation, peacebuilding, development, and global change, in

Information about 10 online courses offered by the TRANSCEND Peace University this fall, and how to order Johan Galtung's collected essays in Peace Research, is listed at the end.

Please share this information with anyone who may be interested. With best regards, Dietrich Fischer <>


PEACE JOURNALISM, a training and lecture program on Ethical Reporting of Conflicts and Challenges after September 11, 2001.
Institute for Journalism, Fredrikstad, Norway, June 20-22, 2002
Trainers: JAKE LYNCH and ANNABEL MCGOLDRICK, Sky News and TRANSCEND Course Fee and Accommodation about $750

Peace journalism explores the roots of a conflict and ideas how to resolve it, instead of only reporting about the ongoing violence.

For information and registration, see or contact John Y. Jones <>, Tel +47-2245-1814 "The Peace Journalism Option" is available at


Landegg International University, CH-9405 Wienacht/AR, Switzerland,, Tel +41-71-898-0505

July 1-5: Professor DIETRICH FISCHER, Pace University, New York, Co-Director of TRANSCEND: A Peace and Development Network (author of "Preventing War in the Nuclear Age" and "Nonmilitary Aspects of Security", among others) will give a course on "Peace Strategies and Nonmilitary Aspects of Security"; Mr. DIBA MAJZOUB, an International Lawyer from Canada, will present an overview of "International Law and Conflict Resolution"; Professor H.B. DANESH, President of Landegg International University and author of numerous books on conflict resolution and psychology, and Ms. KIMBERLY SYPHRETT, formerly with the Carter Center, will present Landegg's Conflict-Free Conflict Resolution (CFCR) model, and lectures on various aspects of developmental and integrative approaches to conflict resolution at the international level.

July 8-13: Professor YAACOV BAR-SIMAN-TOV, Swiss Centre for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will give a course on "Management and Resolution of International Conflicts"; Prof. CHARLES LERCHE (author of "Concepts of International Politics in Global Perspective" and "Emergence: Dimensions of a New World Order", among others) will speak on aspects of Peace Building and Global Governance; and Professor H.B. DANESH and KIMBERLY SYPHRETT will discuss the CFCR model and its application to issues on the contemporary global agenda. The module will close with a special two-day seminar on "Islam, Peace, and Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution: A Comparative Perspective," presented by Prof. ABDUL AZIZ SAID, Professor of Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, and Director of the Center for Global Peace, at American University.

COSTS: $200 per week audit fee ($800 if taken for credit) plus accommodation (from $40 per day, including 3 meals)

FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION, please contact, Tel +41-71-898-0566. Payment must be received by June 1, 2002. You can also Apply Online at


June 24 - 28, 2002, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Bridging theory and practice, this workshop will help understand more deeply the difficulties and challenges of working to transform violent and intractable conflicts towards peaceful and constructive outcomes, linking people-centred participatory development with empowerment for active peace work and conflict transformation.

JOHAN GALTUNG, founder of the field of peace research, author of over 100 books, mediator in 50 international conflicts, founder and director of TRANSCEND, an international peace and development network, is the recipient of numerous honorary degrees, including a Right Livelihood Award (the alternative Nobel Peace Prize).

KAI FRITHJOF BRAND-JACOBSEN, founder and Director of the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania has given over 100 training programs in peacebuilding, development, and conflict transformation to nearly 3000 participants in 26 countries.

Cost: US$ 1000, including accommodation. Apply by April 28. For more information: or


Peacebuilding, Globalisation and Social Justice
July 8 - 26, 2002, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The SPI 2002 brings together some of the world's leading activists, practitioners and critical scholars involved in grassroots movement to overcome global injustice and inequality, sharing experiences, ideas, skills and knowledge, and working to come up with strategies and therapy to transform conflicts constructively, building alliances and people's movements for social justice and peace.

Trainers: JOHAN GALTUNG, Director TRANSCEND (see above)

WALDEN BELLO, Director of Focus on the Global South in Bangkok. His most recent books are Dark Victory: The United States and Global Poverty (updated 2nd edition; TNI/Food First/Pluto 1999) and A Siamese Tragedy: Development and Disintegration in Modern Thailand (Food First/Zed 1998).

SUSAN GEORGE, Associate Director of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam and author, among many other books, of "How the Other Half Dies: The Real Reasons for World Hunger" (Penguin 1976)

DOT KEET, Research Associate with the Alternative Information and Development Center (AIDC) headquartered in South Africa.

ALEJANDRO BENDANA is Founder (1990) and President of the Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Managua, Nicaragua, a consultant to UNESCO, and former Deputy Foreign Minister. He has written widely on issues relating to peacebuilding, conflict resolution and transformation, demobilisation, democratisation, transition, empowerment, globalisation, world order, civil society, and debt.


COST: US$1500 (incl. course fees + accommodation for 3 weeks) A reduced rate of US$1000 is available for participants from developing and war torn countries. Some scholarships and course fee reductions are available. Participants are requested to send in a copy of their CV and the completed Application Form by May 25. FOR INFORMATION: or


19-23 August 2002, United Nations, New York

Dedicated to the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World (2001-2010)

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Institute for Global Leadership, Box 20044, Worcester, MA 01602. Tel 508-753-7683,,

PATRON AND KEY PRESENTER: Ambassador ANWARUL K. CHOWDHURY, Under-Secretary General and High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States. Ambassador Chowdhury is a past President of the Security Council and the initiator of the Culture of Peace Programme and the International Year (2000) and the Decade of a Culture of Peace of the United Nations General Assembly.

INSTRUCTOR: VIRGINIA SWAIN, Director, Institute for Global Leadership. President, Center for Global Community and World Law (a TRANSCEND Partner)


Professor PATRICE BRODEUR, Connecticut College, New London, CT: "Coexistence and Reconciliation Approaches to Terrorism".

Professor DIETRICH FISCHER, Pace University and Co-Director, TRANSCEND, a Peace and Development Network: "Strengthening the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization Partner".

Mr. GEORG KELL, Executive Head of the Global Compact, Office of the UN Secretary General: "The Relationship of Business to the United Nations" (invited)

This course is for those who are searching for a new way to address global problems that emphasizes respect for human rights, peaceful settlement of disputes, global ethics, values and systems that will secure greater ecological integrity, economic and social well being. Participants will learn an intervention process for a civil society response to complement and strengthen the United Nations' initiatives for meeting global challenges.

This course will be taught from the perspective of Reconciliation Leadership, developed by Virginia Swain and dedicated to the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World (2001-2010). UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's programmes will be addressed on implementing the Millennium Development Goals of 189 Heads of State and the Global Compact--the relationship of business to the United Nations. Terrorism will be addressed from a coexistence and reconciliation perspective. Each day will begin with meditation in the Dag Hammarjskold Meditation Room at the UN, designed for people of all religions.

VIRGINIA SWAIN is Founder and Director of the Institute for Global Leadership, an organization providing services and resources for emerging and existing leaders in a post-September 11 world. Virginia has work experience on five continents and ten years experience in the United Nations community. The Institute, in its consultation and training services, provides support for the personal and professional goals of leaders committed to a just, sustainable, intercultural and multiethnic peace: mentoring high performance teams, career and life directions, conflict transformation training, and culturally sensitive dispute and reconciliation services. In a unique post-graduate leadership certificate program, participants are trained in personal, interpersonal, systemic and global competencies. The website is Virginia Swain's email address is Phone 508-753-7683, Fax 508-753-4172.

TUITION: $500.00. Deposit of $100.00 is due by June 30, Remainder of $400.00 by Aug. 1. Materials fee of $100 due at start of course.



TRANSCEND: A Peace and Development Network with 200 members in 56 countries, has since 1996 given on-site courses in conflict transformation, peacebuilding, reconciliation, deep culture etc. in more than 20 countries with more than 4,000 participants. The manual "Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means" was published by the United Nations in six languages; a "maxi-version" in English (freely available at Based on this experience, on-line courses, each lasting 15 weeks, will begin in Fall 2002.

TPU is aiming at government and nongovernment practitioners and students at any level. There will be certificates for single courses, diplomas for clusters of courses and eventually BA, MA and PhD degrees. Participants may combine on-line and on-site courses.

Ten on-line courses are planned for fall 2002 (Fee $400):

- Conflict Transformation         Resource Person: Johan Galtung
- Geopolitical Conflicts Compared Resource Person: Jorgen Johansen*
- Peacebuilding and Empowerment   Resource Person: Kai Jacobsen
- Peacekeeping/Violence Control   Resource Person: Patrick Rechner
- Reconciliation                  Resource Person: Jan Oeberg**
- India-Pakistan Reconciliation   Resource Person: S P Udayakumar
- Peace Journalism                Jake Lynch & Annabel McGoldrick
- Food Assistance in Disasters    Resource Person: George Kent
- Arts and Peace                  Resource Person: Olivier Urbain
- Nonmilitary Aspects of Security Resource Person: Dietrich Fischer

* A comparative study of Hawaii-Pacific, Colombia, Northern Ireland, Basque, Kosovo/a, Somalia, Middle East, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Korea and the USA/Eurasia Configuration, building on TRANSCEND's experience around the world.

**AFTER VIOLENCE: 3R, RECONSTRUCTION, RECONCILIATION, RESOLUTION: Coping With Visible and Invisible Effects of War and Violence by Johan Galtung can be downloaded for free from

For information contact Jorgen Johansen, Centre for Peace Education Tromsoe University, Norway <>,


COLLECTED ESSAYS IN PEACE RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY by Johan Galtung (9 volumes) published by Christian Ejlers in Copenhagen are available at the special rate of $200 per set (including postage):

Essays in Peace Research:
Vol I   (1975, 405 pp.) Peace: research - education - action
Vol II  (1976, 471 pp.) Peace, war and defense
Vol III (1978, 564 pp.) Peace and social structure
Vol IV  (1980, 736 pp.) Peace and world structure
Vol V   (1980, 491 pp.) Peace problems: some case studies
Vol VI  (1988, 433 pp.) Transarmament and the cold war
Essays in Methodology:
Vol 1   (1977, 271 pp.) Methodology and ideology
Vol 2   (1979, 251 pp.) Papers on methodology
Vol 3   (1988, 260 pp.) Methodology and development

You can also ask your library to order this essential reference work. To order a set, send a $200 check drawn on a U.S. bank made out to "TRANSCEND" to Dietrich Fischer, 114 Conover Road, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550, USA. <>,


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