Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 18:49:10 -0600 (CST)
From: Jennifer Gerbasi <>
To: MAI discussion group <>
Hi Mainots,
Thought I would pass on this announcement about an exciting conference planned for March. talk to you soon, Jenny
From Thursday March 12th to Sunday March 15th,
CHO!CES - A Coalition for Social Justice and the Manitoba Federation of Labour, will be hosting a North American conference on the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI) at the University of Winnipeg. The conference is supported by:
- Canadian Labour Congress
- The Council of Canadians
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Manitoba
- University of Winnipeg Students association
- North Dakota South Dakota and Minneapolis Federations of Labour
- Minnesota Fair Trade Coaliton and others.
The Conference organizers are inviting grass-roots organizers and labour activists from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, North-Western Ontario, Minnesota, North Dakota and Sourth Dakota to participate. Conference workshops will run along two themes:
What is the MAI? Democracy vs Corporations.
How much power do corporations really have?
Is Free Trade bad?
Can Governments be accountable?Defeating the MAI!
Alternatives and organizing opposition.Conference participants will also have lots of time to meet with other activists to establish cross border links and to develop sectoral strategies.
The conference organizers believe that the MAI represents a major shift in power away from elected, accountable State, Privincial and National governments and to unaccountable corporations. We also believe that this agreement can be defeated, but we will need your support.
For more information or to register or to volunteer with the organizing of the conference call Harold at 956-2056 or CHO!CES at 944- 9408, or fax 957 1508 or email:
Bob Olsen Toronto (:-)
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