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Biodevastation 2000 Conference & Actions

Boston, Massachussetts, March 24-30


An international gathering of genetic engineering opponents will convene in Boston,MA/USA on March 24-30. Their gathering, "Biodevastation 2000," is planned to coincide with the upcoming convention of the Biotechnology Industry Organization at the Hynes Convention Center.

The counter-conference will take place March 24 - 26 at Northeastern University, and will be followed by other public events including a rally and parade on Sunday, March 26th, featuring international speakers and a colorful display of larger-than-life puppets.

"Biodevastation 2000 will highlight biotechnology's growing threat to our health, the environment and the future of our farms," said Jessica Hayes, spokesperson for Biodevastation 2000, "Following last November's events in Seattle, we also hope to bring the resistance against corporate globalization back to the center of public attention, as we bring diverse organizations and individuals together to express the growing rejection of genetic engineering."

The Biodevastation conference, to be held at Northeastern University will bring together scientists, activists, students, farmers, workers, consumers and community leaders from around the world to explore the facts, questions, and myths behind genetic engineering and its partner, corporate globalization.

Workshops and speakers at Biodevastation 2000 will look into the impacts of genetic engineering on human health, the environment, food and farms, and communities. Presenters will also explore ways for communities to organize and create community-centered solutions to avoid the dangerous impacts of genetic engineering. Biodevastation 2000 includes speakers such as: Vandana Shiva of India's Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology; and Steve Wilson and Jane Akre, former Fox TV reporters fired for their expose of Monsanto's Bovine Growth Hormone, a genetically engineered drug used on dairy cows.

Biodevastation 2000 is a collaborative project of Northeast Resistance Against Genetic Engineering, Institute for Social Ecology, and People's Earth Network; Co-sponsors include Clean Water Action, the Council for Responsible Genetics, Boston Global Action Network, Greenpeace USA, Native Forest Network, Mass PIRG, Mass Earth First!, People Against Corporate Takeover, and many others.

For more information on Biodevastation 2000 contact:

Northeast Resistance Against Genetic Engineering

People's Earth Network

For media related questions contact:
Jessica Hayes

The 4th International Grassroots Gathering
on Genetic Engineering:
Resistance and Solutions to
the Corporate Monopoly on Power, Food and Life

Boston, March 24-30, 2000
Teach-in / Rally and Parade / Nonviolent Direct Actions

**** Join activists, scientists, farmers, and people from around   ****
**** the world for a week of education, strategy and empowerment.  ****
****                                                               ****
**** Help build a visible and unified  movement  against genetic   ****
**** engineering  and   protest   BIO   2000,  the  largest-ever   ****
**** convention of the Biotechnology Industry Organization.        ****

MARCH 24-26 - Teach-in / Counter-conference: Explore the effects of genetic engineering on our health, the environment, farms and society, help create community-centered solutions, learn and develop organizing and action skills and more.

Panel and workshop topics will include:

Featured speakers include Vandana Shiva (RFSTE, India), José Bové (Confédération Paysanne, France, tentative), Ruth Hubbard (Harvard University), Hope Shand (RAFI), Steve Wilson and Jane Akre (formerly of Fox TV), Jonathan King (MIT), Brian Tokar (Institute for Social Ecology), Beth Burrows (Edmonds Institute), Charles Margulis (Greenpeace USA), Martin Shaw (GenetiX Snowball, UK), Jim Thomas (Greenpeace UK), C.R. Lawn (Fedco Seeds), Martha Crouch (former plant molecular biologist), Stuart Newman (Council for Responsible Genetics), Orin Langelle (ACERCA) and numerous artists and performers, including members of the Bread and Puppet Theater, and the band Seize the Day from Britain.

This is the fourth in a series of international grassroots gatherings, which began in St. Louis in July 1998, and continued with events in New Delhi (March 1999) and Seattle (May 1999). The conference is organized by Northeast Resistance Against Genetic Engineering, People's Earth Network and the Institute for Social Ecology, and co-sponsored by the Council for Responsible Genetics, Greenpeace USA, Native Forest Network Edmonds Institute, ACERCA (Action for Community and Ecology in the Rainforests of Central America), Mass Earth First! and many others.

MARCH 26 - Public Rally, Parade and Street Theater: A festival of resistance against genetic engineering and the BIO convention.

MARCH 27-30 - Continuing Actions: A wide variety of nonviolent actions and festivities will be occurring throughout the week to resist the Biotechnology Industry Organization convention.

For more information, please contact:

Northeast Resistance Against Genetic Engineering
(802) 454-9957,

Boston Biodevastation clearinghouse:
(877) 9-RESIST (toll-free),

For more information on coordinated direct actions throughout the week, contact:

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