He came on [in June 2022] and said according to his data and number crunching, we had 30% of the workforce, a little more than one hundred million people (in that ballpark), 30% were dead, disabled—can’t work, or are working chronically ill. And he said I'll come back on if that trend increases. Well, Ed Dowd is coming back on. Ed Dowd thanks for joining us today on usawatchdog.com.
Thanks for having me on Greg. I hate to be the prophet of gloom and doom, but the numbers are the numbers at this point. A[s] you know, I’ve had a thesis that the vaccine is causing these excess deaths, these disabilities, and now we’re tracking lost work time and absences in the workforce, both in the US and in the United Kingdom. And it’s not good.
The trend seems to be reaccelerating. We have some new numbers out of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. I’ve talked before about US disability. It took off starting in February of 2021, right around the vaccine rollout. And it increased about 10% into September of 2022. 3.2 million on a base of about 30 million. That’s an alarming number, a quick rise, a three standard deviation rate of change that we saw there. We added 3.2 million people; 1.7 million of those were employed.
Since September, we’ve been hovering near the highs. The good news was at the time that the rate of change had slowed, but the trend wasn’t going back to normal, which I was monitoring. Unfortunately, in the month of May and June, we had some alarming new numbers out of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. In May, we went to a slight new high, an all-time high of disabled in the US and then we broke out in June and added another 857,000 people to the disability survey. So we are around 34.1, 34.2 million disabled Americans; we added about 1.2 million in the month of May and June. That’s—and if you look at the chart, it looks like a breakout, a growth stock that broke out in February of ’21, consolidated, and now it’s breaking out again. This is bad news.
The cause is known, it’s the vaccine. I’m 150 to 200% convinced. We have some new data coming out of the UK that we dropped a couple weeks ago [one-page cheat sheet: UK Disabilities (PIP) Project (Personal Independence Payment)]. It’s really exploded because as my partner, Yuri Nunes said, “They can’t run from this data.” And the data in the UK—let me explain the data real quick. The data in the UK, it’s their government pension disability system. Claims come in and 40% of the claims are usually cleared, they’re called clearances, and 60% of the claims are dismissed. That ratio did not change at all throughout the whole pandemic.
What did change, there was a little backup in the system. It peaked out at 26 weeks to clear a claim or not clear a claim in August of 2021. Then in 2022, it got down to 16 weeks. Currently it’s running at 14 weeks. So in 2022, the data’s pretty clean. There may be some timing issues of what went on in 2021, but we’ve had a breakout event in 2022. And let me just tell you some of our findings.
And we’ve said, look, we’re not doctors.
This disability system data is so good. It gives you what human body system is affected by the claim, and then the cause. You can drill down into the cause within the human body system. Let me just give you the punchline. In 2020, all claims for all body systems went up 3 percent. In 2021, 20-and-a-half percent. And in 2022, 76.7 percent new claims above the four-year trend. These are Claims Above Trend, excess claims, we call them.
Some of the categories that went off the charts are haematological, which is blood. It’s related to the blood.We put the data out there. You can go into our website at phinancetechnologies.com, spelled with a ‘ph’ instead of an ‘f’. Go to the UK PIP Disability Data Analysis, and you can—we encourage doctors and scientists to tell us what the hell’s going on.
Let’s assume for a moment we’re wrong, which we’re not. But let’s say we are. The data’s so bad. It’s either systemic fraud in the UK pension system, which if that’s the case, the UK needs to pay us a fee for discovering this fraud. If it’s not fraud, which we don’t think it is, it needs to be explained. The regulatory bodies in the UK, and I suspect this data would be found in the US if we had access to it, need to explain what the hell’s going on. Because these numbers are worse than the pandemic by a long shot. Deaths are worse. Excess deaths across the globe are worse. Disabilities are worse. And now we have some granularity on the disabilities. The human body system seems to be going haywire, and it needs to be explained. At the very least, this needs to be addressed.
This segment ends at 07:56.
What’s going to happen to our world if this trend that you’s spotted, this uptick, what’s going to happen to our world if this trend of disability and death with the CV 19 bio weapon injections continues?
So let’s talk about that. So we’re—Carlos, Yuri, and I are investors. We come from the world of finance. And in the world of finance you make predictions and you try to project what’s going to happen. Right now, as far as I’m concerned, the vaccine is doing damage, great damage. The damage is evident. So we have what we call an asymmetric information gap. Most people don’t know this. It’s word is spreading finally, but most people still don’t know this. So most people are clueless as to what’s coming economically and financially. Most are clueless. This is going to be the greatest disaster I’ve ever seen. And it will become apparent to people. Unfortunately, the way the capital markets work, by the time everyone figures it out, it’ll be too late. So what’s going to happen and what is happening?
Let’s start with the Fed, the Federal Reserve. Luke Groman, a mainstream economist on Twitter recently said something about the disability data. He said, maybe the unemployment rate that the Fed is keying interest rate hikes off of is wrong because the disability, as people are rolling into disability, it’s reducing the labor pool. So the numbers are all messed up and the signal is screwed up. So we really don’t have low employment. We just have a smaller workforce that’s masking the fact that we are losing people to disability and death. So that’s number one: the Federal Reserve, which controls the interest rate of the globe, is basing their decisions off of the wrong data, and they’re screwing up. This is going to be the greatest policy error of all time. They just raised 25 basis points. The money supply continues to tick lower, economic activity is growing to a halt, and they should be lowering interest rates. But they’re clueless at this point. So that’s Economic Disaster Number One.
Economic Disaster Number Two: it’s already affecting the supply chain. Anecdotally, I knew this was going on last year. My car was in an accident at a stoplight. My radiator was damaged. It was an Audi A6 2011. The damage wasn’t that great. I needed the radiator fixed, and I couldn’t get into a body shop for months because they had labor issues and parts supply issues. When I finally got an appointment, my insurance company came to me and said, Look, we’re going to junk your car. I said, Why would you junk my car? They said, Well, it’s worth six on a blue book. We’ll give you ten. Now these people aren’t saints, Greg. So I started asking questions and I found out there’s part shortages across the country to repair cars. So you you give me ten, and of course State Farm claimed the car. They probably sold it, and they probably got more than ten for the parts. This is a joke.
Then I’m hearing anecdotally, a woman that I know, a friend came to Maui this week. She had delays and mechanical issues, and they had to swap out the plane. When I was traveling in the states not that long ago—actually, I was going to Australia—we had to deboard our plane. They claimed originally, Oh, just before we depart folks, we get a delay of 25 minutes due to paperwork issues. Well the paperwork issues turned out to be mechanical issues.
They just don’t have enough people to service everything, and everything’s slowly breaking down. And hospital—the hospital system’s a disaster. We’re going to put out a report on the NHS, which is the UK hospital system, which has absence rates and disability rates off the charts. So that you’re not able to get serviced when you go into an emergency room. Here on Maui I heard a story of a guy who went in for an eye problem into the emergency room. Thirteen hours later he got seen. Now you can go from Honolulu to Sydney on a plane, and it takes you 13 hours. That’s where we are. You can either go to Sydney, Australia or get seen by a doctor in an emergency room.
So everything is slowly breaking down. It won’t be out—you won’t hear about this on the news. But you’ll see it if you need something done and you’ll experience it. You’re going to be gaslit and told that, Oh, it’s fine, there’s nothing, there’s no problem here. Don’t look over here, look over here. So we’re going to see what I call a Glacial Mad Max. Things are going to get harder to do. Goods and services that you take for granted are going to become scarce, and we’re going to have, I think, a deflation in financial assets that’ll start soon enough, and inflation in things you need, like food, medical care, other stuff. This is stagflation disaster with your precious financial assets cratering at some point.
This segment ends at 15:11.
One of the data points Clif High said was estimating, because I asked him, when’s it going to be the peak death?—and now you brought this up too. He said, Well, deaths are important. This is one of your first interviews ... you said but the disability is an exponent of that. I talked to Clif High about that. he says, Well people don’t die and get sick. People get sick and die. What you’re going to get is a disability spike. And he says, My data is saying it’s mid 2024. Do you think we’ll get a peak? Of course it won’t just peak and fall off. It’ll peak and then come—Do you think we get a, a spike sometime in mid 2024? Also, Clif High says that that’s when there’ll be—not a majority, but it’ll be a critical mass of people that say, Okay, the shots are killing us and disabling us. Tell me about what you think about when this disability happens. If it happens in 2024 or 2025. What’s just handicapping(?), if you will.
Look, I might agree with Clif because what we do know is this: that morbidity leads mortality and morbidity is disability getting sick. So we had a big spike into disability in September, 2022. And now we have another spike taking off in June of 2023. Let’s say it’s six to twelve months delay, where some of those people will start dying. And because they seem to, their disabilities seem to be accelerating at the same time, we could expect a wave, beginning end of this year into 2024. As, again, morbidity, meaning illness, leads, mortality. So people are now accelerating in their sickness and disability, and then deaths will come. And that’s sad and tragic. But I don’t think Cliff is too far off, honestly.
Wow. He thought that the death would happen after the peak in disabilities is coming. You see the trend increasing though. You clearly look at this and go, Woo! This is increasing. It’s not decreasing.
Look, the US disability data, the BLS, Bureau of Labor Statistics, is real time. It doesn’t get into granular stuff like what’s the cause. It’s a survey and it’s directionally correct and it’s statistically imputed. So the signal we saw beginning in February of 2021 was real, peaked out in September ’22, kind of went sideways, and then it just broke out the last two months. A strong, strong signal. A million point one or two individuals in the last two months. That is huge. So that’s indicating to me that, unfortunately, whatever’s going on is inflecting again. Do I have definitive data? No. But I’m on the watch for it. So whatever’s going on is reaccelerating.
Short of a nuclear exchange, I say, and I’ve said this before, because of the number system: It’s 676 million injections in America, 13.3 billion injections globally. Short of a thermonuclear exchange, this is the biggest disaster in history, period. The end. And yet Congress says nothing. Of course, they gave themselves an exemption. So did the FDA, the Post Office, the CDC, they gave themselves an exemption. They’re just acting like We don’t have an unfolding disaster. Does that scare you?
Yeah. The silence is deafening. That’s why this data we put out on the UK Disability System deserves an answer. Their silence will tell you all you need to know. Because it’s either systemic fraud and they should cut us a check for $5 million consulting fee for discovering this fraud and saving them billions. Or it’s not, and they’re covering it up. Or they’re dumb and they have billion dollar budgets and they can’t figure this out on their own. They’re either dumb, covering it up, or there’s systemic fraud. Either way, this is going to become too big to hide. Congress needs to act. These people in the GOP are forming all these committees on January 6th and all these other things. Great. Good on you. How about the Covid Vaccine Committee? Call me up, I’ll share my numbers.
Disaster. Unbelievable. It’s unmitigated. The world’s never seen this before. The world’s never seen this before!
No. Look, this, to me is unprecedented. It’s the greatest fraud I’ve ever seen in my life. I know how frauds work. It was on Wall Street. I know the psychology of the fraud men. I know what they do. I know the psychology of people who believe the fraud. And I’ve seen this happen with the Covid vaccines. The true believers defending all the way down, and it’s a disaster. And I think we won’t be talking about this for the next 10 years. We’ll be talking about this for the next two centuries. Okay? This is going to impact everybody throughout the globe for years to come.